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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Beggar- Extra Questions and Notes

The Beggar-

 Extra Questions and Notes



This is the story of Lushkoff, a beggar. He earns a little by telling lies and thus evoking sympathy in his listeners. One day he comes across Sergei, who does not give him alms but offers to give him work. Lushkoff is weak and unwilling to do the laborious job of chopping wood. But the job is somehow done. He gives up begging. Years later when Sergei comes across Lushkoff, he is no longer a beggar but a respectable notary. Then he discloses the fact that it was Sergei’s maidservant who had chopped the wood for him. This act of her kindness had influenced him so much that his whole life was changed.

(यह लशकॉफ नामक एक भिखारी की कहानी है । वह झूठ बोलकर एवं अपने श्रोताओं के मन में सहानुभूति पैदा करके थोड़ा बहुत कमाता है । एक दिन उसकी मुलाकात सरजई से होती है जो उसे भीख नहीं देता, मगर उसे काम देने की पेशकश करता है । लशकॉफ कमजोर है और लकड़ी काटने का मेहनती काम करने की उसकी इच्छा नहीं है । मगर किसी तरह काम हो जाता है । वह भीख मांगना छोड़ देता है। कई साल बाद जब सरजई  लशकॉफ से मुलाकात होती है तो वह अब भिखारी नहीं, बल्कि सम्मानजनक नोटरी है । तब वह भेद खोलता है कि उसके लिए सरजई की नौकरानी लकड़ी काटा करती थी । उसके इस नेक काम ने उसको इतना प्रभावित किया कि उसका सारा जीवन बदल गया ।)

Theme / Central Idea of the Lesson. Analysis of THE BEGGAR


The story is based on the theme of transformation of a depraved alcoholic through kindness, compassion and selflessness. Olga’s words and noble deeds changed Lushkoff’s heart. He gave up drinking and mended his truant ways. Another theme that runs through the story is gratitude. Lushkoff had become weak because of alcoholism and was no longer able to work. He resorted to telling lies and begging in order to survive. But when he received kindness, he acknowledged it with gratitude and remained indebted to Olga for life.

Justify the title of THE BEGGAR


The story is about the reformation of a beggar, Lushkoff who is helped by two different people in two different ways. The beggar is poor because he does not have any money and also because he does not have any integrity of character. He requires alms to feed himself.and also genuine help to feed his impoverished soul. A prosperous advocate, Sergei, and his noble cook, Olga, help the beggar, Lushkoff, to come out of his miserable life and live respectably. The title “The Beggar” is apt in that it highlights the plight of a beggar to the readers and make them understand that beggars are unfortunate people who need more than money.

Justification of the Title

Lushkoff is a beggar who is harmless and spends his life on the streets. His habit is to tell lies and beg from the people. He asks for alms from Sergei, an advocate, who admonishes him but also helps him out. Since the story revolves around the beggar Lushkoff, the title is justified.

Character Sketches

 Lushkoff: Lushkoff is a beggar who is also a drunkard. He was thrown out of a choir because of his drunken behaviour. He was roaming on the streets, begging for money. Sergei takes pity on him and gives him a job. Because of Olga’s affection for him, he manages to get rid of his drinking habit and starts working for a living. If Olga had not shown him love and affection, he might have remained a beggar. He might not have benefitted with the help of Sergei alone. He managed to make use of the offer Sergei offered him and came back to mainstream life.

Sergei: Sergei is an advocate. He comes across Lushkoff on the streets begging for money. Lushkoff asks for money by telling lies and Sergei speaks sternly to him. Still, he is ready to give work to the beggar so that the beggar can live a respectful life.

 We also note that Sergei asks a person who cannot even stand properly, to cut firewood. If Olga had not helped Lushkoff, he might have gone back to the streets to continue begging.

 Later Sergei provides a better job to Lushkoff. So, we find that he has a very helpful nature. After a few years, he again meets Lushkoff and feels happy for him as Lushkoff is now in a good position in life.

 Olga, the maid: Olga is the maid of Sergei. Sergei asks Olga to provide work to the beggar Lushkoff. She is very kind and affectionate to the beggar. Seeing that the beggar is not strong enough to cut wood, she herself cuts the wood for him. She helps Lushkoff to get paid for it. Though she helps is outwardly rude to the beggar, she has much kindness and affection for him. She plays an important role in bringing back Lushkoff to mainstream life. She is a very good person.


Lodging—rented house; Swear—to take oath; Intrigue—connive; Calumny—defamation; Victim—a person who suffers; Advocate—lawyer; Suppliant—petitioner; Offer—proposal; Mendicant—friar; Oblige—cause to be indebted; Circumstance—situation; Expel—to send away; Mumble—to murmur; Flush—red with anger; Disgust—hate; Swindle—to befool; Choir—a group of singers; Woodcutter—a person who cuts down trees for fuel; Rub—to wipe; Obvious—clear; Gait—way of walking; Inclination—liking; Wrathfully—angrily; Elbow—the joint between the forearm and the upper arm; Toil—hard work; Pseudo—fake; Scold—rebuke; Tap—gentle blow; Billet—stick of wood; Cautiously—carefully; Spoiled—coddled; Announce—to speak publicly; Shovel – hard tool for lifting loose material; Haul—to pull; Sober—serious; Gloomy—sad; Embarrassed—feeling uneasy; Idleness—not doing anything; Feebleness—weakness; Objection—the act of protesting; Copy—imitate; Yard—open area in house; Curly—hair having curls; Timidly—feeling shy; Recognise—to detect with senses; Roast—negative criticism; Protection—protective covering; Grateful—thankful; Indebted—obliged; Strictly—particularly; Sot—drunkard; Miserable—wretched; Deed—work.
Moral/ Message of the lesson – THE BEGGAR


The story gives the message that it is through counselling and benevolence that a wayward can see his errors and mend his life. Sergei helps Lushkoff as he believes that honest labour can reform a person. Olga, on the other hand, helps Lushkoff without making demands on him. She chides him but also helps him to survive. Her humane approach proves more effective as it forces Lushkoff to realise his mistakes and reform himself.

There are two messages in this story. One, when people are under suffering, they should be given a helping hand to come up in life. Sergei and Olga help Lushkoff to quit begging and earn his living.

The second message is that people should feel ashamed of begging. Everyone should try to work and earn his livelihood. If you are ready to work, you will always get some job or the other. So, one should live a life of honour.

 This is another message in this lesson. This is the attitude shown by Olga, the maid. Olga shows affection to Lushkoff and helps him to quit drinking and lead a better life.


One day advocate Sergei came across a beggar. He was dressed in very poor clothes. He was crying and requested Sergei to have pity on him. Ile told Sergei that he had the offer of a position in Kaluga, but he did not have money to get there. So he wanted some money to pay for the fare. Sergei looked at the beggar closely. Suddenly he remembered that he had seen him the previous day in Sadovya Street. Then he had told him that he was a student and had been expelled for not paying his fees. At first, the beggar denied the charge. But when Sergei rebuked him, he admitted that he earned his living by lying. He told Sergei that his name was Lushkoff and that he was out of work. Sergei refused to give him alms. But he said that he would give him work of chopping wood. He brought Lushkoff home. He called his maidservant Olga and told her to take him into the woodshed and get some wood chopped. Sergei could see from a room that Lushkoff was weak as well as unwilling to do the chopping work. However, after one hour, Olga came and told Sergei that the wood had been chopped. Sergei gave Lushkoff half a rouble.

After getting wood chopped, Sergei was happy that he had helped a man. He had reformed a beggar. He told Lushkoff that he could come on the first of every month and chop wood for money. Thus Lushkoff came on the first of every month. Although he was so weak that he could hardly stand on his legs, yet there was always work for him and he did it. Sometimes, it was chopping of wood. At other times, he had to shovel snow, or to put the woodshed in order. Sometimes, he was asked to beat the dust out of mattresses and rugs. Every time he received from twenty to forty copecks. One day Sergei moved to another house. He hired Lushkoff to help in packing and hauling of furniture. This time, he was silent and sober. After the work was done, Sergei offered to find better work for him. Ile wrote a letter to one of his friends. He gave this letter to Lushkoff and told him that he would find the job of copying the written matter. In this way, Sergei helped Lushkoff. He was pleased at having put a man on the right path.

After that Sergei did not come across  Lushkoff for two years. Then one day, he came across Lushkoff  standing at the ticket window of a theatre, paying for a scat. He was wearing a coat collar of curly fur and sealskin cap. Sergei recognised him. Lushkoff told him that now he was a notary and was paid thiry five roubles a month Sergei was pleased to hear this. He congratulated Lushkoff for standing on own feet in life. At this, Lushkoff disclosed something to him. He said that it was not because of him, but his maidservant because at he had reformed himself. When he used to come to his house to chop wood, he could not do so because he was weak and inexperienced Then Olga would take pity on him and chop the wood for him. He told Sergei that he never chopped a single stick. It was all done by Olga. Her kindness transformed him. He stopped drinking and started earning his living by work. In this way, Olga’s kindness had changed his life.


एक दिन सरजई नामक वकील की मुलाकात एक भिखारी से हुई । वह बहुत ही गरीबीपूर्ण कपड़े पहने हुए था ।   वह चिल्ला रहा था और उसने सरजई से प्रार्थना की कि वह उस पर तरस खाए । उसने सरजई से कहा कि उसे कलूगा में नौकरी मिली है, मगर उसके पास वहाँ जाने के लिए पैसे नहीं हैं । इसलिए उसे किराए के लिए कुछ पैसे चाहिए थे । सरजई ने भिखारी को ध्यान से देखा । अचानक उसे याद आया कि उसने उसे पहले दिन  सडोव्या स्ट्रीट में देखा था । तब उसने उससे कहा था कि वह एक छात्र है और उसे फीस न देने के कारण निकाल दिया गया है । पहले तो भिखारी ने इस आरोप से इंकार किया । मगर जब सरजई ने उसे डॉटा, तो वह मान गया कि वह अपनी आजीविका झूठ बोलकर कमाता है । उसने सरजई को बताया कि उसका नाम लशकॉफ है और वह बेरोजगार है । सरजई ने उसे भीख देने से इंकार कर दिया । मगर उसने उससे कहा कि वह उसे लकड़ी काटने का काम दे देगा । वह लशकॉफ को घर ले जाया ।

उसने अपनी नौकरानी ओल्गा को बुलाया और उसे कहा कि वह उसे लकड़ी के शैड में ले जाए और उससे लकडी कटवाए । सरजई अपने कमरे से देख सकता था कि लशकॉफ कमजोर है और उसकी लकड़ी काटने की इच्छा नहीं है । लेकिन एक घंटे के बाद ओल्गा आई और उसने सरजई को बताया कि सारी लकड़ी कट गई है । सरजई ने लशकॉफ को आधा रूबल दिया ।

लकडी कटवाने के बाद सरजई को प्रसन्नता थी कि उसने एक व्यक्ति की सहायता की है । उसने एक भिखारी को सुधार दिया है । उसने लशकॉफ को कहा कि वह हर महीने की पहली तारीख को आकर पैसे के बदले लकडी काट जाया करे । इस प्रकार लशकॉफ़ हर महीने की पहली तारीख को आता था । यद्यपि वह इतना कमजोर था कि मुश्किल से ही अपनी टाँगों पर खडा हो पाता था, फिर भी उसके लिए सदा काम होता था और वह इसे करता था । कभी लकड़ी काटने का काम होता था । अन्य समयों पर बर्फ हटाने का काम होना था या लकड़ी के शेड को व्यवस्थित करने का काम होता था । कई बार उसे चटाइयों और गद्दों की मिट्टी झाड़ने का काम मिलता था । हर बार उसे बीस से चालीस कोपेक मिलते थे । एक दिन सरजई किसी अन्य घर में चला  गया । उसने लशकॉफ को फर्नीचर पेक करने और लादने के काम पर लगाया। इस बार यह खामोश एवं गंभीर था । जब काम हो चुका था, तो सरजई ने उसके लिए बेहतर काम तलाश करने की पेशकश की । उसने अपने एक मित्र  पत्र लिखा । उसने यह पत्र लशकॉफ को दिया और कहा कि वह उसे लिखे हुए काम की प्रतियाँ  बनाने का काम देगा । इस प्रकार, सरजई ने लशकॉफ की सहायता की । उसे एक व्यक्ति को सही रास्ते पर ले आने की खुशी थी ।

उसके बाद सरजई की मुलाकात लशकॉफ से दो साल तक नहीं हुई । तब एक दिन उसकी मुलाकात लशकॉफ से एक थिएटर की टिकट खिड़की पर हो गई, जहाँ वह एक सीट के लिए पैसे दे रहा था । वह मुड़े हुए फर के कॉलर वाला कोट एवं सील की खाल की टोपी पहने हुए था । सरजई ने उसे पहचान लिया । लशकॉफ ने उसे बताया कि अब वह एक नोटरी है और उसे 35 रूबल प्रतिमाह मिलते है । सरजई को यह सुनकर खुशी हुई । उसने लशकॉफ को जीवन में अपने पैरों पर खड़े होने की बधाई दीं । इस पर लशकॉफ ने उसे रहस्य की बात  बताई । उसने कहा कि ऐसा उसके कारण नहीं, बल्कि उसकी नौकरानी ओल्गा के कारण हुआ, जिसके फलस्वरुप उसने स्वयं को सुधारा । जब वह उसके घर  काटने आता था तो काट नहीं पाता था, क्योंकि वह कमजोर एवं अनुभवहीन था । तब ओल्गा उस पर तरस खाती र्या और उसक लिए लकड़ी  काट देती थी । उसने सरजई को बताया कि उसने कभी एक छड़ भी नहीं काटी । यह सब कुछ ओल्गा ने किया । उसकी दया ने उसे बदल दिया । उसने शराब पीना छोड़ दिया और काम करके रोजी कमाना आरंभ कर दिया । इस प्रकार, ओल्गा की दयालुता ने उसका जीवन बदल दिया ।



 For eight years I was a village schoolteacher and then I lost my place through intrigues. I fell a victim to calumny. It is a year now since I have had anything to do.

1.Who is “I” in this extract? Whom is he telling about himself?

I here refer to the beggar, Lushkoff. He is telling advocate Sergei about himself.

2.What was his occupation and why did he lose it?

According to Lushkoff, he was a village schoolteacher and he lost his occupation because of scheming and lies against him.

3.What does he do now?

 He hasn’t had anything to do for a year now. However, he begs in order to survive.

4.What does the speaker expect from the listener?

The speaker appeals to the listener’s kindness and sympathy in order to get words of kindness and monetary help.


“This is dishonesty, my dear sir!” he cried angrily. “This is swindling -I shall send the police for you, damn you!”

1.Who speaks these lines to whom?

 Sergei, an affluent advocate, says these words to Lushkoff, an alcoholic beggar.

2.Why was the speaker angry?

The speaker, Sergei, was angry because Lushkoff was being dishonest and had been cheating people in order to get money as alms.

3.What, according to the speaker, was ‘dishonesty’ and ‘swindling’?

According to the speaker, Sergei, concealing real identity and telling lies by Lushkoff was dishonesty and swindling.

4.Why did the speaker threaten to send the police for the listener?

 The speaker, Sergei, threatened to send the police for the listener, Lushkoff, because the latter was reluctant to admit that he had adopted unfair means to gain sympathy and monetary help from people.


Olga glared wrathfully at her companion, shoved him aside with her elbow, unlocked the shed, and angrily banged the door.

1.Who was Olga and who was her companion?

 Olga was the cook of advocate Sergei and her companion was Lushkoff, the beggar.

2.How did Olga look at her companion and why?

 Olga looked at her companion, Lushkoff, with wrathful glare because his appearance with tattered clothes and drunken eyes was much too disgusting.

3.Why did Olga unlock the shed?

Olga unlocked the shed to take out the wood and give it to Lushkoff for chopping as instructed by her master, advocate Sergei.

4.Why did Olga bang the door angrily?

Olga banged the door angrily because the sight of the drunkard beggar repulsed her. By banging the door, she expressed her displeasure.


On the first of the month the waif made his appearance and again earned half a rouble, although he could barely stand on his legs. From that day on he often appeared in the yard and every time work was found for him.

Who was the waif and where did he make his appearance?
 The waif was Lushkoff, the beggar, and he made his appearance at the house of advocate Sergei.

2. How did he earn half a rouble?

Lushkoff earned half a rouble by chopping wood for Sergei.

3. Why could he barely stand on his legs?

 Lushkoff could barely stand on his legs because his addiction to alcohol had made him very weak and he did not have any source of regular income to feed himself.

4. What work was found for him every time?

 Various odd tasks were found every time for Lushkoff. These included shovelling snow, putting wood-shed in order, and beating the dust out of rugs and mattresses.


Pleased at having put a man on the right path, Sergei tapped Lushkoff kindly on the shoulder and even gave him his hand at parting. Lushkoff took the letter, and from that day forth came no more to the yard for work.

 1. What was Lushkoff’s path before Sergei put him on the right one?

 Before Sergei put him on the right path, Lushkoff was a wayward alcoholic who resorted to telling lies and swindling people.

2. Why did Sergei tap Lushkoff’s shoulder and shook hands with him?

 Sergei tapped Lushkoff’s shoulder and shook hands with him because he was pleased with having put a man on the right path.

3. What letter did Lushkoff get from Sergei? Why?

Lushkoff got a letter of recommendation from Sergei. It was addressed to Sergei’s friend so that Lushkoff would get some copying work to do from him.

4. Why didn’t Lushkoff return to the yard after that day?

 Lushkoff did not return to the yard after that day because he had reformed his ways and went on to become a notary.


 You spoke finely then, and I shall be indebted to you to my dying day; but, strictly speaking, it was your cook, Olga, who saved me.

Who is “I”? Who is he talking to and where?
“I” here is the reformed Lushkoff and he is talking to advocate Sergei, his former employer and mentor. Both of them were at the ticket window of theatre at the time of this conversation.

2. Why will the speaker be indebted to the listener?

Lushkoff shall be indebted forever to Sergei because the latter had spoken finely to him when he was passing through a rough phase of life as a beggar.

3. How did Olga save the speaker?

 Olga, the cook, saved Lushkoff by her words and her noble deeds. She would grow sad at his plight and reprimand him for his waywardness, but cut wood on his behalf, suffer misery and shed tears for his sake.

4. What opinion do you form the speaker from this statement?

 This statement reveals that the speaker, Lushkoff, had become a sensitive, humble and grateful soul to acknowledge the good deeds of his benefactor. He was polite but straightforward and honest in his demeanour.

Main Characters of the Story


 Lushkoff is a beggar who tells blatant lies about his plight to arouse the sympathy of others and get alms in return. His clothes are torn and untidy and his eyes are dull and drunken. He lacks both physical and emotional strength because alcohol has made him weak. He compromises his dignity and integrity just to satiate his urge to drink. This depraved habit cost him his job as a singer in a Russian choir. However, he does have some positive values like keeping his word for the sake of shame and pride. He quietly takes all the scolding and curses from Olga because he knows that he is wrong. He accepts the humiliating jeering from other carters for the same reason. His will-power to reform seems to have been lost to his addiction but his latent desire to modify himself is finally fuelled by the kindness of Olga.

 This character reminds the readers that hope should not be lost because of even the most depraved recover if they get appropriate and selfless support.


Sergei is an accomplished and prosperous advocate. He has a keen eye – he recalls having met Lushkoff earlier. He is a stem, straightforward man who hates lies. He is short-tempered and reprimands Lushkoff mercilessly for swindling. He believes in hard work and refuses to give Lushkoff any money unless the latter works for him. He is assertive and makes Lushkoff undertake the hard task of chopping wood. He does not leave anything to itself and hence watches Lushkoff cutting wood to make sure that the drunkard reforms through hard work. He supports the poor beggar and gives him work every time the latter comes asking for it. He is also kind because he begins to consider Lushkoff as his godson. He is genuinely happy to see a reformed Lushkoff.

 Sergei displays just one weak trait and that is his tendency to self-eulogise. He emphasizes his own contribution to reforming Lushkoff without giving any thought to the possibility of other factors have helped the man.

 Overall, Sergei is a character who is somewhat vain about the good that he does.


 Olga is Sergei’s cook. She appears to be ill-tempered but her heart is full of kindness. She shoves Lushkoff aside with her elbow while unlocking the shed and angrily bangs the door. She also flings the axe at his feet and spats angrily. She scolds him, curses him but also sheds tears for him and suffers misery for his sake. She obeys her master and takes the drunkard, scarecrow of a beggar that Lushkoff appeared to be, to the wood-shed without any complaints. Outwardly she expresses disgust for Lushkoff but helps him to reform himself. She is inwardly a gentle and caring person. She shows human kindness and affection to the beggar. She does not just pity him but actually cares for him. Her compassion is evident when she chops wood for Lushkoff, so that he could earn some money to feed himself and stay alive. Indeed, it is Olga’s efforts that finally give Lushkoff a lease of life. Lushkoff too remembered her with gratitude for her words and her noble deeds and is eternally grateful to her.

 Very Short Answer Type Important Questions

Additional Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. What was the name of the beggar?

Ans. The name of the beggar was Lushkoff.

2. Who did Lushkoff beg from?

Ans. He begged from Sergei.

3. What was Sergei’s profession?

Ans. Sergei was an advocate.

4. What did Sergei remind about the beggar on seeing him?

Ans. Sergei reminded that he had seen him the previous day in Sadovya street.

5. What work did Sergei offer the beggar?

Ans. He offered the beggar the work of chopping wood.

6. Who was Olga?

Ans. Olga was a maid-servant at Sergei’s home.

7. What did Sergei give Lushkoff after the wood was chopped?

 Ans. He gave him half a dollar.

8. When did Lushkoff used to visit Sergei’s home?

Ans. Lushkoff used to visit Sergei’s home on the first of every month.

9. Where did Sergei meet Lushkoff after an interval of two years?

Ans. He met him at the ticket window of a theatre.

10. What did Lushkoff tell Sergei about his profession when he met him after two years?

Ans. He told him that now he was a notary and was paid thirty-five roubles a month.

 11. Who would chop woods for Lushkoff ?

Ans. Olga would chop woods for Lushkoff.

 12. What changed Lushkoff’s life?

Ans. Olga’s kindness towards Lushkoff changed her life.

Short Answer Type Questions  (30 to 40 words)

Q.1. How did Sergei recognise the beggar?

Ans. Sergei looked at the beggar. His face appeared familiar to him. He tried to recollect where he had seen him. Suddenly, his eyes fell on the beggar’s shoes. One shoe was high and the other was low. Now he clearly remembered where he had seen the beggar before. He had seen the beggar in the Sadovya Street

2. The beggar was a liar. What two lies did he tell Sergei?

Ans. When the beggar met Sergei for the first time, he told him that he was a student and had been expelled from the college. When he met Sergei, for the second time, he told him that he had been offered a position in Kaluga, but he had no money for the fare to get there

 Q.3. What kind of work was given to Lushkoff initially? Why did he agree to do it?

Ans. Sergei refused to give alms to Lushkolf, the beggar. lie offered to give him work. He took him home and gave him the work of chopping wood. Lushkoff agreed to do this work, not because he was hungry and scanted work. He agreed to do it because of pride and shame and because he had been trapped by his own words.

Q.4. How did Olga treat Lushkoff in the beginning? Why did she do this?

Ans. In the beginning, Olga treated Lushkoff callously. She called him a drunkard. She rebuked him. Then she would sit before him and grow sad. She looked into his face and wept. Then she chopped wood for him. She did so because she felt pity for him. Secondly, she wanted to put him on the right path.

Q.5. Where did Sergei send Lushkoff? What advice did he give him?

Ans. Sergei wanted to give Lushkoff better, cleaner employment. His friend needed a copywriter. As Lushkoff was able to write, so Sergei sent him to his friend. Sergei advised him to work hard and not to drink. He asked him not to forget his advice

Q.6. Where did Sergei see Lushkoff after two years? What work was he doing then?

Ans. One day, after two years, Sergei came across Lushkoff standing at the ticket window of a theatre, paying for a seat. He was wearing a coat collar of curly fur and sealskin cap. Sergei recognized him. Lushkoff told him that now he was a notary and was paid thirty-five roubles a month.

Q.7.  Was Lushkoff not good at chopping wood ?

Ans. No, Lushkoff was not good at chopping wood. He pulled a piece of wood towards him. Ile put it between his legs. lie hit the wood feebly with the axe. The piece of wood became unsteady and fell down. Ile again pulled it and struck it. The piece of wood again fell down. This shows that Lushkoff did not know how to chop wood.

8. Write a brief character-sketch of Olga.

 Ans. Olga was the maidservant of Sergei. She was stem looking. But she was kind at heart. She rebuked Lushkoff. But then she took pity on him as he was weak and hungry. She did the chopping work for Lushkoff. Olga’s kindness had great effect on Lushkoff. He gave up drinking and started taking interest in work. Thus Olga’s kindness saved Lushkoff’s life.

Q 9. What plea does Lushkoff make to Sergei when he appears at his yard?

Ans:-Lushkoff pleads to Sergei to have pity on him. He says that he has not eaten anything for three days and does not have five copecks for lodging. He further tells Sergei that he had been a village school teacher for eight years and had lost his job due to scheming and lies.

Q10.Describe the physical appearance of Lushkoff when Sergei observes him in his yard.

Ans:- Sergei observed Lushkoff closely when the latter came to his yard asking for alms. At that time, Lushkoff had a ragged appearance. He had worn a fawn-coloured overcoat and his eyes were dull and drunken. There was a red spot on either cheek. He looked every bit a disgusting beggar.

Q 11. Why does Lushkoff want to go to Kaluga?

Ans:- Lushkoff wants to go to Kaluga because he claims that he has an offer of a position in this province, after having lived without work for nearly a year. However, he cannot go there because he does not have any money.

Q 12. Has Lushkoff become a beggar by circumstance or by choice?                  (Textual)

Ans:-Lushkoff has become a beggar not by choice but by circumstance. He was a singer in a Russian choir but was sent away for his drunkenness. Alcoholism had made him weak and he could not toil, so he took to begging for survival.

Q13. How did Sergei come to remember that he had met the beggar before?

Ans: –A close look at the beggar’s face made Sergei think that he had seen the man somewhere before. Then his eyes fell on his overshoes, one of which was high and the other was low. This made Sergei remember suddenly that he had seen this beggar in Sadovya Street a couple of days before.

 Q 14. Why was the beggar taken aback when Sergei asked if he remembered having met him earlier?

Ans:- The beggar was taken aback because he knew that his lies were going to be caught soon. The repercussions of extracting money by exploiting the sympathy of people could be very harsh for him. He could even be handed over to the police.

Q15. How did Sergei react when the beggar lied about his identity?

Ans:-Sergei got infuriated when the beggar lied about his identity. He turned from the ragged creature with an expression of disgust and reprimanded him for dishonesty and swindling. He threatened to call the police as well.

Q 16. What lies did Lushkoff tell people to beg?

Ans:- In order to beg alms and earn sympathy, Lushkoff told different lies to people. He would claim to be a student who had been expelled or a village schoolteacher who had lost his job because of intrigues and lies of others.

Q 17. What reason does Lushkoff give to Sergei for telling lies?                       (Textual)

Ans:- Lushkoff tells Sergei that he was telling lies because no one would help him if he told the truth about his drunkenness. Instead, lies helped him get both sympathy and money that he required desperately to keep himself alive.

Q18. What offer was made by Sergei to the beggar in order to discourage him from begging? Why?

Ans:- Sergei offered Lushkoff to chop wood for him and earn money instead of telling lies and begging. Sergei made this offer because he believed that people could be reformed by hard work and not by giving sympathy or alms.

Q19.Is Lushkoff a willing worker? Why, then, does he agree to chop wood for Sergei?                                                                                                                    (Textual)

Ans:-Luskhoff is not a willing worker since alcohol has made him very weak, both physically and emotionally. Still, he agrees to do the menial job of chopping wood because of his pride and shame. Earlier he had expressed his willingness to do any work provided he was offered one and now he could not go back on his words.

Q20. Who was Olga? What task did Sergei assign to her?

Ans:-Olga was Sergei’s cook. She appeared to be ill-tempered but eventually played an instrumental role in reforming Lushkoff with her words and noble deeds. Sergei told her to take Lushkoff to the wood-shed and make him chop wood for them.

Q21. How did Lushkoff follow Olga to the wood-shed? What did this reveal about his willingness to work?

Ans:- Lushkoff followed Olga in a gait that showed his reluctance to work. It was obvious that his strength had been destroyed by ‘vodka’ and he was too weak to do any type of hard physical labour.

Q22. Why did Sergei hurry into the dining-room? What did he see from there?

Ans:-Sergei hurried into the dining-room because he wanted to check the beggar’s behaviour while chopping wood. He saw both Olga and Lushkoff walking towards the shed. He also saw Olga’s expression of wrath towards the beggar and the manner in which he struggled to chop wood in the acute cold.

Q23. How did Olga behave with the beggar while taking him to the wood-shed?

Ans:-Olga behaved with Lushkoff in a very shabby manner. She looked at him angrily and even shoved him aside with her elbow while unlocking the shed. She threw an axe at his feet and scolded him all the time as he tried to chop wood.

Q24. Who was the ‘pseudo-teacher’ and why did he sit on a log?

Ans:-The ‘pseudo-teacher’ was the beggar Lushkoff. He sat on a log, lost in his thought as his frail health did not allow him to undertake the hard task of chopping wood but he could not get away from it either.

Q25. Describe Lushkoff’s attempt to chop wood.

Ans:-In order to chop wood, Lushkoff irresolutely pulled a billet of wood towards him, set it up between his feet; and tapped it feebly with the axe instead of hitting it hard. As a result, the billet wavered and fell down. He again pulled it to him, blew on his freezing hands, and tapped it with his axe cautiously. The billet again fell to the ground without being chopped.

Q26. How did Sergei feel after he saw Lushkoff chopping wood?

Ans:- Sergei didn’t feel angry anymore after he saw Lushkoff chopping wood. Instead, he felt a little sorry and ashamed at having given the tough task of wood-chopping to Lushkoff who seemed to him a spoiled, drunkard and probably a sick man. It was difficult for him to do such a menial task in the severe cold.

 Q27. What remuneration was paid to Lushkoff for chopping wood for the first time? What additional offer was made at this time?

Ans:-Sergei paid a rouble as remuneration to the beggar for chopping wood and instructed Olga to tell him that if he wanted, he could come back and chop wood on the first day of each month.

 Q28. Why did Lushkoff return to the yard on the first of the month? Why did he reappear often?

Ans:-Lushkoff returned to the yard on the first of the month in order to chop wood and earn one rouble in return. He reappeared often because every time he used to be given odd jobs like shovelling snow, putting the wood-shed in order and beating the dust out of rugs and mattresses. The money he thus got helped him survive.

Q29. When and why did Sergei hire Lushkoff? How did he appear at this time?

Ans:-Sergei hired Lushkoff when he moved into another house. He hired him to help in packing and hauling of the furniture. This time Lushkoff appeared sober but gloomy and silent.

Q30. Why did Lushkoff become embarrassed when he came to assist Sergei move to another house?

Ans:- Lushkoff became embarrassed when he came to assist Sergei move to another house because he could not help in any way. He simply walked behind the wagons hanging his head and shivered in the cold. The other carters mocked at his idleness, feebleness and his tattered fancy over-coat.

Q31. Sergei says, “I am happy that my words have taken effect.” Why does he say so? Is he right in saying this?                                                                                 (Textual)

Ans:-Sergei says so because Lushkoff looked sober and seemed to have helped in the packing and hauling of furniture. He is partially right in saying this because his constant support had at least given Lushkoff an option to quit his disgusting life as a beggar.

Q32. What revelation was made by Lushkoff to Sergei at the theatre?

Ans:- Lushkoff revealed to Sergei that he did not chop even a single stick of wood at his yard. All the toil was done by the good and noble cook, Olga, who tried to help him and underwent misery and shed tears for his sake.

Q33. “Thank you, too”. Why does Lushkoff say this to Sergei?

Ans:- Lushkoff says this to Sergei because although Olga was the one who had actually reformed him but Sergei’s contribution too was important. He had taken interest in the life of a disgusting beggar and helped him drag himself out of the mess he was in.

Q34. Where did Sergei send Lushkoff? What was his parting advice?


Which cleaner employment did Sergei arrange for Lushkoff? How?

Ans:-Sergei sent Lushkoff to his friend with a letter of recommendation for some copying work. This was a cleaner employment in comparison to wood-chopping. As a parting advice, he told Lushkoff to work hard and not to drink.

Q35. How and why did Sergei express his pleasure before parting from Lushkoff?

Ans:-Sergei expressed his pleasure by tapping Lushkoff gently on the shoulder and shaking hands with him at parting. He expressed pleasure in this manner because he was convinced that the beggar was now a reformed person and deserved respect and honour.

 Q36. How did Sergei help Lushkoff to live respectfully?

Ans:-Sergei helped Lushkoff to live respectfully by giving him odd jobs every time he came to the yard. Now Lushkoff did not need to beg alms since he got money for all the little tasks that he was given by Sergei. Lastly, Sergei sent Lushkoff to his friend with a letter of recommendation for a cleaner employment as a copier.

Q37. Where did Sergei meet Lushkoff after two years? What did Lushkoff tell him about himself?

Ans:- Sergei saw Lushkoff after a period of two years at the ticket window of a theatre. Lushkoff was wearing a coat collar of curly fur and a worn sealskin cap. He was buying a ticket for a gallery seat for himself. He told Sergei that he was a notary and earned thirty-five roubles a month.

Q38. Lushkoff is earning thirty-five roubles a month. How is he obliged to Sergei for this?                                                                                                                                                                                                     (Textual)

Ans:-Lushkoff is obliged to Sergei for earning thirty-five roubles a month because the latter had paved way for this achievement. He had recommended Lushkoff to his friend and arranged the job of a copier for him.

Q39. Why did Sergei call Lushkoff his ‘godson’?

Ans:-Sergei called Lushkoff his ‘godson’ because he had given him a push along the right path and his efforts had lifted him out of the pit of begging. He had shown interest in Lushkoff’s life and had felt happy to see him reformed.

 Q40. Who does Lushkoff give the credit for reforming him? Why?


Why does Lushkoff acknowledge Olga’s contribution in reforming him?

Ans:- Lushkoff is grateful to Sergei for employment but he gives true credit for his reformation to Olga, Sergei’s cook. Outwardly Olga is full of anger and spite, but her heart is full of human sympathy and kindness. While she severely scolds Lushkoff for being a miserable drunkard, she weeps for him and chops wood for him. She is the chief reason why Lushkoff gives up his bad habits and transforms into a hardworking man.

Q41. Has Lushkoff become a beggar by circumstance or by choice? (NCERT)

 Ans. Lushkoff was a middle-aged man and belonged to the Russian choir. He was not a born beggar. He was sacked from the choir because of his drinking habits. He became a beggar by choice as he did not like to work hard at that stage.

Q42. Is Lushkoff a willing worker? Why, then, does he agree to chop wood for Sergei? (NCERT)

Ans. No, he was not a willing worker. He was too weak to work. He had lost his strength and stamina due to his habit of drinking and, secondly, he was a middle-aged man. He agreed to chop wood because of pride and shame and he had been trapped by his own words. So he had no other way but to accept Sergei’s offer.

 Q43. Sergei says, “I am happy that my words have taken effect.” Why does he say so? Is he right in saying so?                                                                                                                                                                       

 Ans. Sergei looked satisfied with the performance of the beggar and felt happy. When Lushkoffs job of packing and hauling of the furniture was over, he praised him while handing him a rouble. But he was not right in saying so because Lushkoff had not developed the habit of working hard. He was still an idle fellow.

Q44. Who was Lushkoff? What did he pretend to be?

 Ans. Lushkoff was a middle aged poor man. He belonged to the Russian choir but was sacked from his job due to his drinking habits. To get some money he pretended to be a school teacher who had lost his job due to conspiracy. He also pretended to be a student expelled from the school for no guilt of his.

Q45. What did Lushkoff tell Sergei when he met him?

Ans. The beggar told Sergei when he met him that he was a hungry man. He had nothing to eat. He had been a village school teacher for eight years. He requested him to have pity on him.

 Q46. How did Olga save Lushkoff?

 Ans. Olga knew that Lushkoff won’t work so she felt pity for his sad expression. She sat down opposite to him and wept. She would rebuke him. Then she would chop the wood for him. At last, Lushkoffs heart changed. He stopped drinking and became a nice man.

 Q47. How did Olga treat Lushkoff in the beginning? Why did she do this?

Ans. Olga treated Lushkoff in the beginning very badly. She called him a drunkard and rebuked him for his expressions. She would look into his face and weep. Then she would chop the wood for him. She did this all to set Lushkoff on the right path.

Q48. Why did the carters make fun of Lushkoff?

Ans. Sergei is moved into another house. He asked Lushkoff to pack and haul the furniture. But Lushkoff hardly touched the furniture. He looked sad, silent and gloomy. He walked behind the wagons hanging his head. He also shivered in cold. So the carters made fun of Lushkoff for his idleness, weakness and fancy overcoat.

Q49. Lushkoff is earning thirty-five roubles a month. How is he obliged to Sergei for this?

Ans. Sergei played a very important role in improving the condition of the beggar. It was because of Sergei that Lushkoff could earn thirty-five roubles a month. He offered him the job to chop wood at his home. Later on, he sent him to one of his friends to do the job of copying. Lushkoff was highly obliged to Sergei as now he was a notary because of him.

 Q50. How did Sergei feel for treating Lushkoff harshly?

Ans. Sergei was an advocate. He must have followed some humane approach to reform Lushkoff. But he gave Lushkoff some kind of physically hard work that was to chop the wood for him. This task was not fit for a drunken and sick man. Besides, the weather was very cold. As it was the unjustful task for Lushkoff, Sergei felt ashamed of his act.

Q51. How did Olga bring a change in Lushkoff?

Ans. Olga was a cook. She was a kind lady. She knew that Lushkoff was not able to do hard work. In her treatment with Lushkoff she was harsh and tough from above and kind inside. She herself chopped wood for him, which changed his heart. As a result, Lushkoff stopped drinking and became a good man.

 Q52. What did the beggar tell Sergei? Why did Sergei threaten to call the police?

Ans. The beggar told Sergei that he had an offer of a job in the province of Kaluga. But he had no money to go there. He further said that he felt ashamed of asking. But he did so because of adverse circumstances. Sergei had seen him earlier. Then he had told him that he was an expelled student. So he got angry with him and threatened to call the police.

Q53. How did Lushkoff express his sense of gratitude to Sergei?

 Ans. Lushkoff thanked Sergei greatly. He said that if he didn’t come to him, he would still have been calling himself a teacher or a student. He said that by coming to him he had taken himself out of the pit. He expressed his sincere thanks to Olga.

Q54. Why did Sergei call Lushkoff his ‘godson’?

Ans. When Sergei met Lushkoff for the first time, Lushkoff was wearing ragged clothes. Sergei took him to Olga who made him work. After two years, Sergei is surprised to find Lushkoff working for a notary for 35 roubles a month. This makes Sergei very happy and calls him his ‘godson’.

Important Long/ Detailed Answer Type Questions- to be answered in about 100 -150 words each


Q.1.Describe the first meeting between Sergei and Lushkoff. How did Sergei take pity on Lushkofl?

 Ans. One day advocate Sergei came across a beggar. He was dressed in very poor clothes. He was crying and requested Sergei to have pity on him. He told Sergei that he had the offer of a position in Katuga, but he did not have money to get there. So he wanted some money to pay for the fare. Sergei looked at the beggar closely. Suddenly he remembered that he had seen him the previous day in Sadovya Street. Then he had told him that he was a student and had been expelled for not paying his fees. At first, the beggar denied the charge But when Sergei rebuked him, he admitted that he earned his living by lying. He told Sergei that his name was Lushkoff and that he was out of work. Sergei refused to give him alms. But he said that he would give him work of chopping wood. He brought Lushkoff home. lie called his maidservant Olga and told her to take him into the woodshed and get some wood chopped. Sergei could see from a room that Lushkoff was weak as well as unwilling to do the chopping work. However, after one hour, Olga came and told Sergei that the wood had been chopped. Set-did gave Lushkoff half a rouble.

Q.2, Sergei brought Lushkoff home to get some wood chopped. flow did he help Afterthought?

Ans. After getting wood chopped, Sergei was happy that he had helped a man. He had reformed a beggar. Ile told Lushkoff that he could come on the first of every month and chop wood for money. %La Lushkoff came on the first of every month. Although he was so weak that he could hardly stand on his legs, yet there was always work for him and he did it. Sometimes, it was chopping of wood. At other times, he had to shovel snow or to put the woodshed in order. Sometimes, he was asked to beat the dust out of mattresses and rugs. Every time he received from twenty to forty kopecks. One day Sergei moved to another house. He hired Lushkoff to help in packing and hauling of furniture. This time, he was silent and sober. At these: the pork was done. Sergei offered to find better work for him. He wrote a letter to one of his friends. He gave this letter to Lushkoff and told him that he would find the job of copying the written matter. In this way, Sergei  LushkotT. He was pleased with having put a man on the right path

Q.3. Describe the last meeting between Sergei and Luslikoff. How did Olga help Lushkoff to be a real man?

Ans. One day, after two years, Sergei came across Lushkoff standing at the ticket window of a theatre, paying for a seat. He was wearing a coat collar of curly fur and sealskin cap. Sergei recognized him. Lushkoff told him that now he was a notary and was paid thirty-five roubles a month. Sergei was pleased to hear this. He congratulated Lushk off for standing on his own feet in life. At this Lushk off disclosed something to him. He said that it was not because of him, but his maidservant Olga that he had reformed himself. When he used to come to his house to chop wood, he could not do so because he was weak and inexperienced. Then Olga would take pity on him and chop the wood for him. He told Sergei that he never chopped a single stick. It was all done by Olga. Her kindness transformed him. He stopped drinking and started earning his living by hard work. In this way, Olga’s kindness had changed his life

 Q4. During their conversation, Lushkoff reveals that Sergei’s cook, Olga, is responsible for the positive change in him. How has Olga saved Lushkoff?                                                                                             (Textual)


What values did Olga exhibit while saving the life of Lushkoff?

Ans:-Olga, Sergei’s seemingly ill-tempered cook, had been the main motivating factor behind Lushkoff’s positive change. She saved him by rousing the positivity in him that had got suppressed due to his alcoholism. She scolded him, cursed him but also shed tears for him and suffered misery for his sake. Outwardly she expressed disgust for Lushkoff but went out of her way to help him reform himself. She risked the displeasure of her master, Sergei, by hiding the truth about the odd jobs assigned to Lushk off. She gave true humane affection to him and showed both pity and concern. Her affection is exhibited by the fact that she chops wood for him so that he can earn some money to feed himself and stay alive. It is Olga’s sincere and selfless efforts that finally give Lushk off a lease of life. Lushk off too remembers her with gratitude for her kind words and her noble deeds.

Q5. Sergei’s sympathy was as important as Olga’s noble deeds that reformed Lushkoff. Discuss.

Ans:- Lushkoff gave the credit of his reformation to Olga but it is true that Sergei’s sympathy towards him was also important. If Sergei had not taken the initiative to assign work to Lushkoff and had instead handed him over to the police, the beggar’s life would have ended in a disaster. Sergei, like Olga, went out of his way to uplift the ragged beggar by making him do odd jobs and paying him in return. Sergei was not obliged in any way to spend money on a beggar in this manner but it was his concern for Lushkoff that he made sincere efforts to reform him. Sergei also arranged a ‘cleaner employment’ of a copier for Lushkoff by sending him to his friend with a letter of recommendation. Again, it was Sergei who brought Lushkoff to Olga. If this had not been done, Olga would not have been able to help him. Hence, the contribution of Sergei in the reformation of Lushkoff was as important as that of Olga.

Q6. How was Lushkoff, the beggar different from Lushkoff, the notary?

Ans:-Lushkoff, the beggar used to resort to lies in order to get sympathy and money from people. He had a repulsive and disgusting appearance. He wore a ragged fawn-coloured overcoat and his eyes were dull and drunken. Each of his cheeks had a red spot. One of his overshoes was higher than the other. He was hated for his dishonesty and swindling. He was very weak both physically and emotionally because of alcoholic habits. He did not have any self-respect or dignity and quietly took all the jeering from others. Lushkoff, the notary, in contrast, looked like a gentleman. He wore a coat collar of curly fur and a worn sealskin cap. He was paid thirty-five roubles a month for his ‘clean employment’. He was a respectable and responsible person now, not the alcoholic who had stooped to telling lies and begging alms for survival. He now had both a reformed soul and an improved life.

 Q7. What are the different ways in which the writer refers to Lushkoff? Why?

Ans:- The writer refers to Lushkoff by numerous derogatory terms. He calls him a suppliant, mendicant, beggar, ragged creature, swindler, scarecrow of a beggar, pseudo-teacher, spoiled, drunken, sick man, waif, miserable creature, unlucky man, an unhappy one. He does so to convey to the reader the miserable plight into which Lushkoff had sunken himself owing to his alcohol addiction. These derogatory terms not only highlight a character marred by alcoholic habits but also amplify his improvement later in the story. This technique of employing contrast is used by the writer to make the reader realise that alcoholism ruins an individual completely. His reformation thus gains significance because of varied adjectives that indicate his depravity. It also emphasises the impact of compassion and concern while rehabilitating an addict. It eventually builds faith that transformation is possible if a person is made to realise his mistakes and is given proper support and effective counselling.

Q8. Imagine you are advocating Sergei. You meet Lushkoff after a gap of two years and are happy to see him as a reformed man. Write a letter in about 150 words to your friend Antonio Banderas to whom you had sent Lushkoff with a letter of recommendation.

In your letter you should write:

when and where you met Lushkoff
what revelation he made about Olga
how you felt after learning the truth



Dear Antonio

Today is a day of pleasant surprises for me. I met Lushkoff, who I had sent to you two years ago with my letter of recommendation. I am extremely happy to share with you that he is now a notary who earns thirty-five roubles a month.

 I met him by chance at the theatre and was delighted to see his transformed appearance. He was dressed well and looked good. During the course of our conversation, he made a surprising revelation. He told me that he had never cut a single stick of wood when I had assigned him that task. It was actually my cook, Olga, who would chop it for him. The noble deeds and kindness of the woman reformed him and he quit drinking forever. I salute the spirit of my cook Olga whose selfless service saved a precious life. Her values of humility and mercy have made me realise that compassion has greater worth than money. I must admit that I was a bit startled by this revelation. However, I am genuinely happy because I had honestly wanted Lushkoff to return to the right path.

 May God bless the kind Olga for her noble deed!

Hoping to see you for Christmas this year.



Q9. How can we help beggars/abolish begging? (NCERT)

 Ans. Most of the countries face the nuisance of begging especially in poor countries. Beggars can be seen at all public places. Some of the beggars have made it a business. It has become a serious problem. Our society and the government should take necessary steps to solve this problem. The global spread of education is required. Our government should pass strict laws against begging. Beggars should be given an opportunity to work. Financial support can be provided to them in order to set up some work. Beggars may be turned into skilled labourers. The government should set up beggar’s home only for the handicapped. Begging is a bad practice and is an impediment in the way of progress. So, we should discourage begging and beggars.

Q10. Sergei helped out Lushkoff to return to normal life. Write down Sergei’s contribution for Lushkoff.

 Ans. Lushkoff was a beggar. He sought the attention of people by telling lies. Sergei caught him telling lies one day. He threatened that he would send for the police to arrest him. The beggar now told him the truth. Sergei wanted to change his life. He offered him work at his home. He asked him to chop the wood and paid money in lieu of that work. He handed over Lushkoff to Olga. The time passed, and Sergei realised he was unfit for physical work. He sent him to one of his friends to do copying work. After some time he met Lushkoff as a successful man. Lushkoff expressed his sense of gratitude to Sergei and thanked him greatly. In this way, Sergei contributed a lot tout Lushkoff’s life on the right track, s act

Q11. Compassion and pity can bring positive changes in human being. How did Olga prove it?

 Ans. Yes, it is true that compassion and it can bring positive changes in the human being. Olga came to know about the condition of Lushkoff. She understood that he was a victim of his bad habits and circumstances. She helped him by working in his place. This brought a positive change in Lushkoff who became a good and successful person in life. In general life, a convict can be made a true human by love and compassion. Bur When he gets love and compassion from others, it arouses a feeling in his heart to hr improve and become a good man and this makes him realise his mistakes. By self-introspection, he finds that the path he has chosen is not a path of true human and lent gradually he starts to modify himself as a true human. A convict who is not improved by harsh punishment can easily be improved by the loving and sympathetic attitude towards him.

 Q12. Every man must work to make a living. Explain this idea with respect to the story still The Beggar’.

 Ans. Lushkoff was a middle-aged man and belonged to the Russian choir. He was not a born beggar. He was sacked from the choir because of his drinking habits. He became a beggar by choice as he did not like to work hard at that stage. Sergei played a very important role in improving the condition of the beggar. It was because to of Sergei that Lushkoff could earn thirty-five roubles a month. He offered him the job to chop wood at his home. Later on, he sent him to one of his friends to do the job of copying. Lushkoff was highly obliged to Sergei because now he was a notary because of him.

 Q13. Olga’s affectionate nature was instrumental in making Lushkoff to give up drinking and reform himself. Do you agree?

Ans. Lushkoff was a beggar. He pretended to be a teacher and sometimes a student. He used to tell lies and got the people’s support. One day Sergei caught his lie and brought him to his house. He asked him to chop the wood. But Lushkoff did not like to do that job. When Olga saw him she glared at him angrily. She shoved him aside with her elbow. She was in anger and unlocked the shed moving ahead. Olga treated Lushkoff like a son. She kept scolding him for his bad habits. She wanted to improve his condition. She did his work and gave him money. Lushkoff started respecting her. He accepted her advice and became a successful man again.

Q14. To reform a person, it is important to use both strictness and love. Discuss with reference to the lesson ‘The Beggar’.

Ans. In the story when Sergei threatened the beggar, he exposed himself. He told the reality about his life. He was neither a teacher nor a student. All that was false about him He was a singer in a Russian Choir. He had been expelled from the choir because of his drinking habits. Sergei asks Olga to provide work to the beggar Luskoff. She is very kind and affectionate to the beggar. Seeing that the beggar is not strong enough to cut wood, she herself cuts the wood for him. She helps Lushkoff to get payment for it. Though she is outwardly rude to the beggar, she has much kindness and affection for him. She plays an important role in bringing back Lushkoff to mainstream life. She is a very good person.

Q15. ‘It is better to help one by giving work than giving alms’. Comment with the help of the character Sergei in the Beggar’.

Ans. Begging is a curse in our society. Giving alms to a young and lazy person is not to help him. By giving work instead of alms, he can be made to lead a decent life. In the story, Sergei was a kind and noble man. He found Lushkoff begging. He offered him the task of chopping wood. Sergei did not have any other work to offer him at that time. But Lushkoff was not fit for the physical labour. His health was very poor. Olga, a kindhearted lady helped Lushkoff much by working in his place. He was deeply inspired by Olga and left drinking. He regained his confidence and self-respect. This brought a positive change in Lushkoff who became a good and successful person in life.


1.What was the name of the beggar?

 (A) Olga                                                                               (B) Lushkoff

 (C) Sergei                                                                            (D) none of the above

Ans. (B) Lushkoff

2. Lushkoff is in the habit of

(A) stealing                                                                         (B) telling lies                                   

(C) working hard                                                              (D) making the excuse

Ans. (B) telling lies

3.What was Lushkoff in his earlier life?

(A) a village school teacher                                           (B) a student

(C) a Russian choir singer                                              (D) none of the above

Ans. (C) a Russian choir singer

4.What work did Sergei give to Lushkoff ?

 (A) preparing notes for him                                        (B) chopping wood for him

(C) making money by begging for him                    (D) watching his home

Ans. (B) chopping wood for him

5.Who was Olga?

(A) a beggar                                          (B) Sergei’s cook           

 (C) an advocate                                    (D) a wood chopper

Ans. (B) Sergei’s cook 

6.Did Lushkoff really want to chop wood?

(A) yes                                                     (B) no

(C) maybe                                               (D) not known

Ans. (B) no

7.What did Sergei give Lushkoff for chopping wood?

(A) a pound                                               (B) a dollar

(C) a frank                                                 (D) a rouble

 Ans. (D) a rouble

8.What did Sergei offer to Lushkoff ?

(A) to come on every first day of the month        (B) to come on every first day of the week

(C) to come on every Sunday                                     (D) none of the above

Ans. (A) to come on every first day of the month

9.Who moved into another house?

(A) Lushkoff                                          (B) Olga

(C) Sergei                                              (D) none of the above

 Ans. (C) Sergei

10.What did Lushkoff become later?

(A) an advocate                                     (B) a bus conductor

(C) a doctor                                           (D) a notary

Ans. (D) a notary

11.How much did Lushkoff earn per month working as a notary?

(B) twenty roubles                                 (D) twenty-five roubles                

 (C) thirty roubles                                  (D) thirty-five roubles

Ans. (D) thirty-five roubles

12.Who called Lushkoff his godson?

(A) Sergei                                                 (B) Olga

 (C) both (A) and (B)                                 (D) none of the above

Ans. (A) Sergei

 13.Who used to chop wood for Lushkoff ?

(A) Sergei                                                  (B) Olga

 (C) both (A) and (B)                                  (D) none of the above

Ans. (B) Olga

 14.Who set Sergei actually on a right path?

 (A) Sergei                                                 (B) the police

 (C) Lushkoff himself                                 (D) Olga

Ans. (D) Olga

15.Who is the author of the lesson `The Beggar’?

(A) Bill Bryson                                       (B) Anton Chekhov

(C) Zan Gaudiose                                  (D) 0 Henry

Ans. (B) Anton Chekhov

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