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Friday, June 14, 2019

THE DUCK AND THE KANGAROO - Extra Questions and Notes


- Extra Questions and Notes


 This is a humorous poem. This poem does not make any sense but gives a great of reading the language in poetry. This is a dialogue between a good Duck and a friendly Kangaroo. The Duck requests the Kangaroo to give him a ride on his back. The Kangaroo is willing that he requires some reflections. The Duck tells him everything frankly and then they enjoy a ride around the world three times.

(यह एक रोचक कविता है । इस कविता का कोई भाव तो नहीं निकलता है लेकिन पद्य (कविता) रूप में भाषा पढ़ने का इससे बहुत आनद जाता हैं । यह एक अच्छे बत्तख और एक मित्र कंगारू के बीच वार्तालाप है । बत्तख कंगारू से प्रार्थना करता है कि वह उसे अपनी पीठ पर बैठाकर सवारी करवा दे । कंगारू है तो इच्छुक  लेकिन उसके मन में कुल सोच-विचार चलता है । बत्तख उसे सब कुछ साफ-साफ बता देता है और तब वे दोनों पूरी दुनिया का तीन बार चक्कर लगाते हैं ।)


 The poem “The Duck and the Kangaroo” is a nonsensical poem. But reading between the lines shows that it actually deals with the significance of love for adventure. Adventure makes life worth living and adds colour and joy to it. The poem also deals with the theme of friendship. Friends, who help others, not only give joy but also experience happiness themselves.


 “The Duck and the Kangaroo” revolves around two characters – a Duck and a Kangaroo. It is a dialogue between the two of them and the poem narrates the story of their adventure. Hence the title “The Duck and the Kangaroo” is a very apt one.


The poem gives the message that those who are generous in acknowledging and appreciating the capabilities of others also gain from it. Admiration and politeness are positive qualities that make others comfortable. They help to win good friends and makes life very enjoyable and worthwhile.


The rhyme scheme of the poem in the first and second stanza is ababccaa and ababccbb respectively. The remaining three stanzas follow the scheme ababccdd.



A refrain is a phrase or a verse that is repeated regularly in a poem. It adds music to the poem, emphasizes certain core ideas, or simply brings unity to the narration.

The repetition of the line “Said the Duck to the Kangaroo” many times in the poem makes it a refrain. This repetition brings out the urgency of the Duck’s desire and also emphasizes her persistent nature


The Duck

The Duck is a funny creature who readily admires others, often for qualities that she herself lacks. For example, she is fascinated by the Kangaroo’s hopping abilities. Rather than feeling jealous of the Kangaroo, she admires him. She is far-sighted and has an analytical mind which she uses to solve her problems. For example, she is ready with woollen socks, cloak and cigar to tackle the problem of wet feet and cold weather.

 The duck is an optimist and does not indulge in self-pity over what life had offered her. She loves adventure and wishes to travel to far off and exotic places. So, she approaches the Kangaroo and requests him to take her on a trip. She has a cheerful disposition and little joys and achievements thrill her.

The Kangaroo

The Kangaroo is a very sensitive creature who doesn’t believe in taking rash decisions. When the Duck requests him to take her on a ride, he gives the whole proposal a serious thought before making any commitment. He does not accept or reject the Duck’s request rashly. The Kangaroo is also very frank and straightforward. He does not offer any lame excuse and discusses his real worry with the Duck. He makes it clear that he is hesitant to take her along with him as her feet were so wet and cold that it could make him suffer from rheumatism. Thus, his frankness builds an honest friendship which ensures happiness to both him and the duck.


One day a meeting takes place between a Duck and a Kangaroo. The Duck praises the Kangaroo for his hopping ability. The Duck says that he lives in a nasty pond and his life is a bore. Ike strongly desires to go out in the world. He requests the Kangaroo to give him a ride on his back. He promises that he would sit without making any movement or noise.

 The Kangaroo says that he is willing but before this, he requires some reflection. He tells the Duck that he lives all the time in the water. His feet are so wet and cold that if he sits on his back he might catch the disease of roomatiz.

 The Duck says that the Kangaroo need not worry about this. He says that he has bought four pairs of woollen socks and his feet are always warm. He also has bought a cloak to keep himself warm.

The Kangaroo agrees to give a ride to the Duck. He asks the Duck to sit at the end of his tail. They start their riding programme very happily. They go round the world three times.


 एक दिन एक बत्तख और एक कंगारू के बीच एक मुलाक़ात होती है । बत्तख कंगारू की कूदने की कला की तारीफ करता है । बत्तख कहता है कि वह तो एक गंदे तालाब में रहता है और उसका जीवन  नीरसता से परिपूर्ण है । वह तीव्र  इच्छा व्यक्त करता है कि वह बाहर संसार में विचरण करना चाहता है । वह कंगारू से प्रार्थना करता है कि वह उसे अपनी पीठ पर बिठाकर सवारी करा दे । वह वचन देता है कि वह न तो हिले डुलेगा और न ही शोर मचाएगा ।

कंगारू कहता है कि वह इच्छुक तो है ,परंतु इससे पहले वह कुछ सोच विचार करना चाहता । वह बत्तख को बताता है कि वह सारा दिन पानी में रहता है । उसके पांव इतने अधिक गीले और ठंडे कि वह उसकी पीठ पर बैठ गया तो उसे गठिया रोग हो सकता है ।

बत्तख कहता है कि कंगारू को इसके बारे में चिंता करने कि कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है । वह बताता है कि उसने चार जोड़ी ऊनी जुराबें खरीद ली है और उसके पैर हमेशा गर्म रहते हैं । उसने स्वयं को गर्म रखने के लिए एक लबादा भी खरीद लिया है ।

कंगारू, बत्तख को अपनी पीठ पर सवारी देने के लिए सहमत हो जाता है । वह बत्तख से कहता है कि वह उसकी पूंछ के अंतिम सिरे पर बैठ जाए । वे प्रसन्नतापूर्वक अपने सवारी के कार्यक्रम पर शुरु हो जाते हैं । वे पूरी दुनिया के तीन चक्कर लगा देते हैं ।

Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow.


 Said the Duck to the Kangaroo,

  `Good gracious! how you hop!

Over the fields and the water too,

 As if you never would stop!

My life is a bore in this nasty pond,

 And I long to go out in the world beyond!

I wish I could hop like you!

Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.

हिंदी अनुवाद बत्तख ने कंगारू से कहा , वाह! तुम कितना अच्छा कूदते ह ो! खेतों के ऊपर और पानी के ऊपर भी जैसे कि तुम कभी रुकोगे ही नहीं l इस गंदगी भरे तालाब में मेरा जीवन तो नीरस है और मैं यहाँ से दूर जाना चाहता हूँ काश! मैं भी तुम्हारी तरह उछल कूद कर सकता l बत्तख ने कंगारू से कहा l

 Questions :

(a) Name the poem and the poet.

(b) What did the Duck praise the Kangaroo for?

(c) Where could the Kangaroo hop?

(d) Where did the Duck live?

 (e) What did the Duck long for?

Answers :

(a) The name of the poem is ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’ and the name of the poet is ‘Edward Lear’.

(b) He praised the Kangaroo for his fine hopping.

 (c) The Kangaroo could hop over the fields and the water.

 (d) The Duck lived in a nasty pond.

 (e) The Duck longed to go out in the world beyond.


‘Please give me a ride on your back!’

 Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.

`I would sit quite still, and say nothing but “Quack”,

The whole of the long day through!

And we’d go to the Dee, and the Jelly Bo Lee,

 Over the land, and over the sea;

Please take me a ride! 0 do!’

                                                                Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.

हिंदी अनुवाद – ‘कृपया मुझे अपनी पीठ पर बिठाकर सवारी दे द ो! बत्तख ने कंगारू से कहा । मैं  चुपचाप बैठा रहूँगा और कां-कां के  सिवा कुछ नहीं बोलूँगा । पूरे का-पूरा दिन । तब हम डी नदी और जैली बो ली पर जाएंगे। मैदानों तथा समुद्र के ऊपर घूमेंगे । कृपया मुझे सवारी पर ले जाओ । अरे ले जाओ ! बत्तख ने कंगारू से कहा ।

Questions :

 (a) What request did the Duck make to the Kangaroo?

 (b) What did the Duck promise to do?

(c) What did the Duck promise not to do?

(d) What places did he want to go to?

(e) How could he go over the land and the sea?

 Answers :

(a) The Duck requested the Kangaroo to give him a ride.

 (b) The Duck promised to sit still on his back.

 (c) The Duck promised not to speak anything all day long except “Quack”.

 (d) He wanted to go to the Dee River and the Jelly Bo Lee.

(e) He could go over the land and the sea on the Kangaroo’s back.


Said the Kangaroo to the Duck, `

This requires some little reflection;’

 Perhaps, on the whole, it might bring me luck,

 And there seems but one objection,

Which is, if you ‘ll let me speak so bold,

 Your feet are unpleasantly wet and cold,

And would probably give me the roo-

Matiz!’ said the Kangaroo.

हिंदी अनुवाद कंगारू ने बत्तख से कहा , “इस बारे में थोड़ा सोच विचार करने की आवश्यकता है ; शायद इससे कुल मिलाकर मुझे एक सौभाग्य ही मिले l लेकिन इसमें एक आपत्ति दिखाई जान पड़ती हैं , जो यह है ,यदि तुम मुझे साहस दो तो मैं बोलूँ l तुम्हारे पांव असुखद ढंग से गीले और ठंडे हैं और संभवतया ये मुझे गठिए का रोग दे देंगेंकंगारू ने कहा l

Questions :

(a) What needs some little reflection?

(b) What did the Kangaroo think could bring him luck?

(c) What was the objection in this process?

(d) What was the fear of the Kangaroo?

(e) Find any two pairs of rhyming words in this stanza.

 Answers :

(a) Offering a ride to the Duck on the Kangaroo’s back needs reflection.

(b) Giving a chance of the ride to the Duck could bring the Kangaroo back.

 (c) The Duck’s feet were too wet and cold.

(d) He feared that the Duck’s wet and cold feet would probably give him the romantiz disease.

 (e) (i) Duck rhymes with black.

(ii)Reflection rhymes with an objection.


Said the Duck, ‘As I sat on the rocks,

 I have thought over that completely,

 And I bought four pairs of worsted socks

Which fit my web-feet neatly.

And to keep out the cold I’ve bought a cloak,

 And every day a cigar I’ll smoke,

 All to follow my own dear  true

Love of a Kangaroo!’

हिंदी अनुवाद बत्तख ने कहा जब मैं चट्टानों के ऊपर बैठा तो इसके बारे में पूरा सोच विचार किया I और मैंने चार जोड़ी ऊनी जुराबें खरीदीं ,जो मेरे जालीदार पैरों में अच्छे से आती हैं I  और सर्दी से बचने के लिए मैंने एक लबादा खरीद लिया है और हर रोज मैं एक सिगार पीता हूँ l मैं यह सब कुछ इसलिए कर रहा हूँ ताकि मैं अपने प्रिय कंगारू के प्यार को पूरा कर सकूँ l

Questions :

 (a) Who is the Duck speaking to?

(b) {Hurt has he thought over completely?

( C)  What has he bought for his web feet?

(d) What has he bought to keep out of the cold?

(e) For whose did he do all this?

Answers :

(a) He is speaking to the Kangaroo.

(b) He has thought it over completely that his web-feet should not get wet and cold.

(c) Four pairs of worsted socks.

(d) He has bought a cloak to keep out of cold.

(e) He did so for the sake of his dear friend the Kangaroo.


Said the Kangaroo, ‘I’m ready!

All in the moonlight pale;

But to balance me well, dear Duck, sit steady!

And quite at the end of my tail!’

 So away they went with a hop and a bound,

 And they hopped the whole world three times round;

 And who so happy-0 who,

   As the Duck and the Kangaroo?

हिंदी अनुवाद कंगारू ने कहा , ‘मैं तैयार हूँ l इस हल्की सी चांदनी में पूर्ण रूप से ; लेकिन मेरा संतुलन बनाए रखने के लिए ,प्यारे बत्तख, तुम बिना हिले बैठे रहना और बिल्कुल मेरी पूँछ के सिरे परऔर तब वे उछलते और कूदते हुए वहाँ से चले गए l और उन्होंने इसी खुशी में पूरी दुनिया के तीन चक्कर लगाए l अरे ! कौन इतना खुश कौन हो सकता था जितना कि वो बत्तख और कंगारू थे l

Questions :

 (a) What was the Kangaroo ready for?

(b) Where did he ask the Duck to sit?

 (c) How did they start their programme?

 (d) How many times did they go round the world?

(e) How were they feeling?

 Answers :

(a) The Kangaroo was ready for giving a ride to the Duck on his back.

(b) He asked the Duck to sit at the end of his tail.

 (c) They started their programme with hop and abound.

 (d) They went around the world three times.

(e) They were feeling extremely happy.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

 1. How does a Kangaroo run?

Ans. A Kangaroo runs by hopping.

2. Where did the Duck live?

 Ans. The Duck lived in a nasty pond.

3. What did the Duck Wish?

Ans. The Duck wished that the Kangaroo should give him a ride on his back.

4. How would the Duck sit?

Ans. The Duck would sit still.

5. Where does the Duck wish to go?

Ans. The Duck wishes to go to the Dee and the Jelly Bo Lee

6. What fear was there in the Kangaroo’s mind?

 Ans. The Kangaroo feared that the wet and cold feet of the Duck would make him fall ill.

7. How were the Duck’s feet?

Ans. The Duck’s feet were very wet and cold.

8. What did the Duck buy?

Ans. The Duck bought four pairs of worsted socks and a clock.

9. Why will the Duck smoke a cigar daily?

 Ans. The Duck will smoke a cigar daily to keep himself warm.

10. How many times did the Duck and the Kangaroo go round the world together?

Ans. They went around the world together three times.

11. Who was happy after the ride?

Ans. Both the Duck and the Kangaroo were happy after the ride.

Short Answer Type Questions  (30 to 40 words)

1. Why was the Duck fascinated by the Kangaroo’s hopping?

Ans. The Duck was fascinated by the Kangaroo’s hopping because she herself could not hop. She had to lead a boring life swimming in a silly pond, so she admired the Kangaroo’s continuous hopping over the fields as well as water bodies.

2. Why did the Duck call the pond ‘nasty’?

Ans. The Duck called the pond ‘nasty’ because it was neither interesting nor vibrant. It made the Duck’s life monotonous boring and devoid of excitement. The Duck disliked the pond because it restricted her.

3. Where was the Duck’s home and what was her deep desire?

Ans. The Duck’s home was the ‘silly’ pond which she found boring and restrictive. Therefore she had a deep desire to see the wide world that lay beyond her ‘nasty’ and monotonous pond.

4. Why did the Duck wish the Kangaroo to take her for a ride?


Why did the Duck wish to ride on the Kangaroo’s back?


Why did the Duck ask the Kangaroo to give her a ride?

Ans. Living in her ‘nasty’ pond, day and night, the Duck had become sick and tired of the monotony of her life. She had observed the Kangaroo hopping around all day long. So, she wished the Kangaroo to take her on a ride, to have fun, and to see new and exciting places.

5. What different traits of the Duck’s character are revealed in the first stanza?

Ans. Optimism and aspiration are the traits of the Duck’s character revealed in the first stanza. She is very appreciative of the Kangaroo’s hopping skills. She aspires to go away. from her pond and go out into the world.

6. What did the Duck promise the Kangaroo and why?

Ans. The Duck promised the Kangaroo that if he took her around for a ride she would fully co-operate with him. She would sit on his back very steadily and quietly so that he would neither be distracted nor lose his balance.

7. What did the Duck wish to do after leaving her pond? What places did she wish to visit in particular? Was she wish fulfilled?

Ans. The Duck wished to go all over the land and the sea. She wanted to visit the ‘Dee’ and ‘Jelly Bo Lee’ in particular. Her wish was finally fulfilled when the Kangaroo took her around the world three times.

8. What traits of the Duck’s character does the following line reveal?

Ans. I would sit quite still, and say nothing but ‘Quack’ This line reveals that the Duck is a very co-operative, considerate and thoughtful creature. She knows that if she would make noise or keep on moving, it would inconvenience and distract the Kangaroo. Hence, she voluntarily offers to co-operate by being quiet and still.

9. Why did the Kangaroo wish to ponder over the Duck’s request for a ride on Ida back?                                       Or

What was the Kangaroo’s reaction to the Duck’s request?

Ans. The Kangaroo was a very sensible and wise creature. When he was requested for a ride, he was slightly apprehensive as he knew that the wet and cold feet of the Duck may afflict him with rheumatism, a disease marked by inflammation and joint pains. So, before committing anything, he wished to give the whole issue a good thought, even though the proposal could bring him good luck.

10. Why was the Kangaroo reluctant to carry the Duck on its back?


What objection did the Kangaroo raise when the Duck requested him for a ride?

Ans. The Kangaroo was reluctant to carry the Duck on its back because he knew that the wet and cold feet of the Duck was unpleasant and could make him uncomfortable. He objected by saying that he might catch rheumatism because of the Duck’s feet.

11. How did the Duck prepare for the journey on the Kangaroo’s back?


What preparations did the Duck make for her ride on the Kangaroo’s back?

Ans. The Duck bought four pairs of worsted socks so that her cold and wet feet could be covered and protected from the cold. She also bought a cloak to keep the cold out. In addition, she decided to smoke a cigar daily to pass her time.

12. What instructions did the Kangaroo give the Duck before starting the journey? Did the Duck comply with the instructions?

Ans. The Kangaroo told the Duck to help him maintain his balance during the ride by sitting absolutely still at the end of his tail. The Duck did comply with his instructions and the two had a smooth trip and a very enjoyable journey.

13. How did the Duck and the Kangaroo benefit from the trip?


Why did the Kangaroo and the Duck hop around the whole world three times?

Ans. The Kangaroo and the Duck’s trip resulted in immense joy for both the creatures. It made them the happiest pair of all. They hopped around the world three times which shows that it was a smooth sailing trip.

14. Besides her love for adventure, which other qualities of the Duck do you observe?

Ans. The Duck was a very resourceful and far-sighted creature in addition to her adventurous spirit. Although she was unable to hop, she convinced the Kangaroo to take her on a ride. Anticipating the requirements of the journey, she equipped herself with four pairs of woollen socks and a cloak to prevent herself and the Kangaroo from catching a cold. She also planned to smoke cigars during the trip to pass her time.

15. Where did the Duck live and what did she long for?

Ans. The Duck lived in a nasty pond. He was bored with his life. He wanted to leave that place and go out in the world beyond.

16. What was the Kangaroo’s reflection?

 Ans. The Kangaroo feared that the Duck’s feet are always wet and cold. If he sits on his back this will make him suffer from roommates.

17: What preparations did the Duck make for the ride on the Kangaroo’s back?

Ans. He bought four pairs of worsted socks so that his feet could remain thy and warm. He also bought an overcoat. He smoked a cigar daily to please the Kangaroo


Q1. How was the Duck able to leave her ‘nasty pond’ and do away with the boredom of her life?

Ans:- The Duck couldn’t hop like a Kangaroo, yet she longed to leave her boring pond to explore the world. She had observed the Kangaroo hopping all around and enjoying his life. So she decided to request him to take her along for a ride. Being farsighted, she foresaw the Kangaroo’s objection regarding her wet and cold feet. So, she bought four pairs of worsted socks to cover her feet so that the Kangaroo did not feel uncomfortable. As expected, when the Kangaroo expressed his apprehension about contracting rheumatism, the Duck readily offered the solution. Soon the two set out on a journey around the world. Thus, the Duck was able to leave her boring pond and enjoy life with the Kangaroo. They hopped around the world three times and became the happiest pair of all.

Q2. What apprehension did the Kangaroo have about the Duck’s proposed ride? How does he convey this apprehension? How does the Duck allay his fear?

Ans:-The Kangaroo was prone to bouts of rheumatism, a disease that causes stiffness, inflammation and pain in joints. When the Duck requested him to take her on a ride, he was a bit apprehensive and reluctant because her wet feet could increase chances of his getting rheumatism. He was frank and outspoken, so he did not mince his words while conveying his apprehension to the Duck. However, before objecting to the Duck’s proposal, he admitted that it could bring him luck. Still, he considered the entire matter carefully and told the Duck firmly but politely that her feet were unpleasantly wet which could probably give him the ‘roo-Matiz’. On her part, the clever and farsighted Duck had already foreseen the hurdle and had kept four pairs of worsted woollen socks ready to keep her feet dry and warm.

 Q3. What values can you draw from the poem “The Duck and the Kangaroo”?

 Ans:-The poem teaches us the values of generosity and humility in winning own friends and finding happiness. Those who are generous in acknowledging and appreciating the capabilities of others gain a lot in life. Admiration and politeness are positive values that make others comfortable. These qualities help to win good friends and make life very happy and enjoyable. The Duck and the Kangaroo, both are very polite and courteous with each other. The Duck acknowledges the Kangaroo’s hopping skills and offers generous admiration. This wins the Kangaroo’s heart and he gives serious thought to the Duck’s request. He puts forth his objection in a very polite manner and accepts the Duck’s solution humbly. Mutual respect and politeness help them to not only enjoy each other’s company but also fulfil the Duck’s desire to leave her boring pond and venture out into the world.

Q4. Both the Duck and the Kangaroo are very sensitive creatures. Elucidate.

Ans:- Both the Duck and the Kangaroo are very sensitive creatures. The Duck analyses the problem of monotony that she faces in her life in a rational way. She observes the Kangaroo hopping all about the land and the sea enjoying life. She contrasts this with her constrained life in the nasty pond and requests the Kangaroo to take her out of her boring life into the far and wide world. The Kangaroo too is sensible. He takes time to consider the Duck’s request and is very careful in his choice of words while putting forth his objection. The Duck again displays her cleverness and farsightedness when she reveals that she is already prepared with an effective solution to the Kangaroo’s objection. Hence, both the creatures enjoy each other’s company and their sensible decision dispels boredom from the Duck’s life and brings luck to the Kangaroo.

Q5. What idea do you form about the Kangaroo after reading the poem?

Ans:-The Kangaroo is an energetic creature who loves adventure and fun. Though he has a helpful attitude, he is sensible enough not to harm his own interest while offering help. That is why he very frankly but politely tells the Duck the reason for his reluctance to take her on a trip. He is very cautious and practical. He believes in taking precautions in advance to avoid trouble. Hence apart from making sure that the wet and cold feet of the duck will bring him no harm, he gives instructions in advance to the Duck to sit steadily on the tip of his tail so that he might not lose balance. The Kangaroo shapes up as a straightforward creature that is polite but firm in his dealings. Once he makes a commitment, he keeps it. Thus, his frankness and honesty win over the Duck’s heart and both he and the Duck thoroughly enjoy the ride.

Q6. Bring out the humour in the poem “The Duck and the Kangaroo”.

Ans:-The Duck and the Kangaroo” is a Nonsense Verse and is full of humorous elements. The basic structure of the poem is a conversation between a Duck and a Kangaroo which is very amusing. The honest manner in which the Duck pays compliments to the Kangaroo for his hopping skills makes the reader smile. The imaginary names, ‘Dee and Jelly Bo Lee’, given to places that the Duck wishes to visit sound very funny. Distorting rheumatism to ‘roo-Matiz’ adds another funny element to the poem. The thoughtful manner in which the Kangaroo considers the Duck’s proposal is comical too. The Kangaroo’s objection to the Duck’s cold and wet feet and the Duck’s solution through the use of worsted socks, cloak and cigar tickle the reader’s ribs. Thus, the humour is subtle but well-woven in the fabric of the poem.


1. What does the Duck praise the kangaroo for?

    (A) swimming                                                                (B) hopping

    (C) singing                                                                       (D) dancing

    Ans. (B) hopping

2. Where could the kangaroo hop?

    (A) over the fields                                                       (B) over the water

    (C) both (A) and (B)                                                    (D) none of the above

    Ans. (C) both (A) and (B)

3. Where did the Duck live?

(A) pond                                                                              (B) river

(C) sea                                                                                  (D) ocean

Ans. (A) pond

4. How does the Duck describe his pond?

    (A) beautiful                                                                  (B) loving

    (C) attractive                                                                  (D) nasty

Ans. (D) nasty

5. What does the Duck long for?

   (A) leave the nasty pond                                           (B) go out in the world beyond

   (C) both (A) and (B)                                                     (D) none of the above

 Ans. (C) both (A) and (B)

6. What did the Duck request the Kangaroo?

   (A) to give him a ride                                                   (B) to give him food

   (C) to play with him                                                      (D) all of the above

Ans. (A) to give him a ride

7. What sound does a Duck make?

   (A) Caw                                                                             (B) Quack

   (C) Mark                                                                           (D) Mew

 Ans. (B) Quack

8. What did the Duck promise the Kangaroo?

    (A) to sing him a song                                                 (B) to give him fish to eat

   (C) to tell him a tale                                                      (D) to sit still

Ans. (D) to sit still

9. What placed does the Duck wish to visit?

      (A) to the Dee                                                             (B) to the Jelly Bo Lee

     (C) both (A) and (B)                                                   (D) none of the above

     Ans. (C) both (A) and (B)

10. What was Kangaroo afraid of?

      (A) the Duck’s wet and cold feet (B) the weight of the Duck

     (C) the beak of the Duck (D) all of the above

     Ans. (A) the Duck’s wet and cold feet

11. What did the Duck buy for his wet feet?

       (A) shoes                                                                      (B) four pairs of worsted socks

       (C) clock                                                                        (D) all of the above

        Ans. (B) four pairs of worsted socks

12. What did the Duck do to make himself fit to have a ride on the Kangaroo’s back?

       (A) bought four pairs of worsted socks           (B) bought a clock

       (C) began smoking a cigar daily                           (D) all of the above

      Ans. (D) all of the above

13. Was the Kangaroo ready to give the Duck a ride?

        (A) yes                                                                          (B) no

    (C) maybe                                                                      (D) may not be

    Ans. (A) yes

14. Where did the Kangaroo ask the Duck to sit?

     (A) on his neck                                                             (B) on his back

     (C) at the beginning of his tail                                   (D) at the end of his tail

    Ans. (D) at the end of his tail

15. How many times did they go round the world?

     (A) two                                                                            (B) three

    (C) four                                                                            (D) five

    Ans. (B) three

16. Who is the poet of the poem `The Duck and the Kangaroo’?

      (A) Edward Lear                                                          (B) Gieve Patel

     (C) W.W.E. Ross                                                           (D) William Wordsworth

     Ans. (A) Edward Lear

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