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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Adventures of Toto Extra question and solution

Introduction of the lesson- The Adventures of Toto

 This is an interesting story. The narrator’s grandfather was fond of keeping different kinds of pets. One day, he bought a monkey from a tonga-driver for rupees five. Its name was Toto. It was a mischievous small monkey. At first, his pranks were amusing. The family members enjoyed these pranks. But with the passage of time, his mischiefs became wilder. He broke many things in the house. At last, grandfather realized that he could not keep Toto at home any longer. So, he sold Toto back to the tonga-driver for three rupees.

  (यह एक रोचक कहानी है । वर्णनकर्त्ता के दादा जी को विभिन्न पालतू जानवर रखने का शौक था । एक दिन,उन्होंने एक तांगा-चालक से पॉंच रुपए में एक बंदर खरीदा । उसका नाम टोटो था । वह एक शरारती छोटा बंदर था । पहले-पहले उसकी शरारतें मनोरंजक थीं । परिवार के सदस्य इन शरारतों का आनंद उठाते थे । मगर समय के बीतने साथ-साथ ये शरारतें जंगली होती गई ।  उसने घर में बहुत-सी चीजें तोड़ दीं । आखिर दादा जीं ने महंसूस किया कि वे टोटो को घर में अधिक देर नहीं रख सकते । इसलिए उन्होंने टोटो को तांगा चालक  को दोबारा तीन रुपए में बेच दिया ।

Theme / Central Idea of the Lesson. Analysis of The Adventures Of Toto

The story is based on the experiences of people who keep animals as pets. The theme thus deals with the outcome of the interaction between humans and animals. It shows that not all animals can adapt themselves to the human way of life. It requires a great deal of patience and skill to train animals to acquire non-destructive behaviour.

The significance of the Title – The Adventures of Toto (Value Based)
Justify the title of The Adventures Of Toto
The title “The Adventures of Toto” indicates directly at the central theme as well as at the protagonist. The story is about Toto, the pet baby monkey, and his numerous adventures. Of course, the title does not clarify ‘who’ or ‘what’ is Toto, but it does rouse the curiosity of the reader, which is one of the characteristics of a good title. In short, the title is suitable for this story.

Toto is a baby monkey who is bought for five rupees from a tonga-driver by the narrator’s Grandfather. Toto is pretty to look at. He has bright eyes that sparkle with mischief. His eyebrows are deep-set. His pearly white teeth frighten the elderly Anglo-Indian ladies when he smiles. His hands are dried up as if they have been pickled under the sun. He is quick with his fingers and lifts things in a wicked manner. His tail adds to his beauty and acts as his third hand. He hangs from trees and scoops out goodies with his tail. He is playful and restless, that is why he cannot be kept under hiding for long. He is destructive too as he tears away the narrator’s blazer and wallpaper of the bedroom. He is a total misfit with other animals and does not let them sleep. He bites Nana, the donkey, and never becomes friends with him.
Toto is keenly observant as he imitates the narrator’s manner of taking bath. He loves warm baths in cold winters but is very sensitive if anyone laughs at his act of drying himself after a bath. He is curious by nature and lands in trouble because of this. The episode when he almost boils himself alive is an example. His mischievousness is the prime trait that makes it difficult to keep him as a pet. He causes a lot of damage by destroying or spoiling things. Still, his adventures are funny and make the reader laugh every time.

 Grandfather is a lover of animals. So much so that he has his own private zoo. He does not mind spending money in order to get animals and birds even though this practice involves the risk of annoying his wife. He already has a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, and a squirrel when he spends five rupees to buy a baby monkey. He has an appreciative eye for animals, that is why he believes that a tail adds to anyone’s good looks. He finds a valid reason to continue keeping pets even if that leads to material loss. He does not mind when Toto destroys the wallpaper and the narrator’s school blazer. Instead, he finds it as an act of cleverness. He is a smart man, for he devises various ways of hiding Toto.
Foolish behaviour annoys Grandfather; like that of the ticket-collector who calls Toto a dog and charges fare for it. Grandfather is both witty and sarcastic because he asks the ticket-collector to charge him even for a tortoise that he had carried in his pocket.
Grandfather may be a staunch animal-lover but he is also wise. He accepts that it is not possible to keep a destructive animal like Toto as a pet for long, so he sells the monkey back to the tonga-driver even if that incurred him a loss of two rupees. His childlike nature endears him both to the narrator and the reader.

Character Sketches

GrandfatherGrandfather was a lover of animals. He had put up a zoo in his house where he had a number of animals and reared them with care and affection. He brings home a monkey caned Toto. But since the monkey is a wild animal he could not have a peaceful life. So Toto had to be returned to its previous owner.

Toto, the monkeyToto was a beautiful, little monkey. He was with a tonga driver. Grandfather took pity on him and brought him home. He created a lot of mischiefs and brought so much trouble in the house. He tore clothes and disturbed other animals in grandfather’s zoo. So grandfather had to give him back to the tonga-driver.

The narrator’s Grandfather had a private zoo. He bought a baby monkey from a tonga-driver for five rupees and added it to the zoo. This new pet was called Toto. He was a pretty monkey with bright and mischievous eyes. He was so naughty that he would frighten people by showing his white teeth. He had dry hands with quick fingers and he would use his tail as his third hand.
Toto looked cute but his presence was kept a secret from the narrator’s Grandmother because she did not approve of any new additions to the already existing pets. Consequently, Toto was put in a closet opening into the narrator’s bedroom wall and was tied to a peg fastened into the wall. However, the naughty monkey did not stay there for long. He tore off the ornamental wall-paper and pulled out the peg. He also tore the narrator’s school blazer in shreds.
 Grandfather was so fond of Toto that instead of being angry, he was pleased with this destruction. He said that Toto was so clever that if he had got more time, he would have tied the torn pieces of the blazer to make a rope and used it to escape from the window. After this, Tato was put in a big cage in the servants’ quarters. A tortoise, a pair of rabbits, a tame squirrel and the narrator’s pet goat already lived peacefully over here. But the mischievous monkey troubled all these animals at night and did not let them sleep. So, Grandfather decided to take him to Saharanpur with him where he had to go to collect his pension. The narrator could not accompany his Grandfather on this trip.
 A big black canvas kit-bag was used to carry Toto to Saharanpur from Dehra Dun. Some straw was put at the bottom of this bag to make it comfortable. The bag was strong enough to prevent Toto from escaping or getting his hands out. So, when he tried to come out of the bag, he could only make it roll about on the floor and jump with it into the air. This quaint sight drew the attention of onlookers at the Dehra Dun platform.
 On reaching Saharanpur, Toto suddenly poked his head out of the bag and grinned widely at the ticket-collector when Grandfather was producing his ticket. The collector initially got a shock but after regaining his composure, asked Grandfather to pay for the animal. To the annoyance of Grandfather, the ticket-collector referred to the monkey as a dog. Grandfather made an attempt to convince the collector but had to finally pay three rupees as fare for Toto. Irritated, Grandfather took out his pet tortoise from his pocket and asked the collector to charge for it as well. Funnily enough, the ticket-collector examined the tortoise closely and said that there were no charges to be paid since that pet was not a dog.
Finally, Toto was accepted as a pet by the narrator’s Grandmother and he was given a comfortable home in the stable. He was to stay there with the family donkey, Nana. However, on the first night of his stay, Toto hung on to the donkey’s long ears with his sharp teeth and never ever became friends with him.
 Toto used to love hot water baths in winters. His bath ritual was a sight. Grandmother would give him a large bowl of warm water and Toto would first test its temperature with his hand. Then he would step into it gradually, one foot after the other. He would sit comfortably with water up to his neck and rub soap all over himself with his hands or feet. When the water would cool down, he would run out quickly and reach the kitchen fire to dry himself. In case anyone laughed at him during this act, he would get hurt and refuse to take a bath.
One day Toto almost boiled himself alive while trying to bathe. He saw a large kitchen kettle left on the fire to boil for tea. He removed the lid and found the water warm enough for a bath. He got in with his head sticking out from the open kettle. A little while later, the water began to boil and Toto raised himself but sat down again since it was cold outside. He hopped up and down many times till Grandmother came and took out a half-boiled Toto from the kettle.
Toto’s monkey business continued and it was decided that he could no longer be kept a pet. This happened when he was caught stuffing himself with rice (pulao) laid at the table at lunch-time. Grandmother screamed at him when she saw this. Toto threw a plate at her and a glass of water in the face of one of the aunts who tried to shoo him away. On Grandfather’s arrival, Toto picked up the dish and got out to sit in the branches of the jackfruit tree. He stayed there all afternoon and ate slowly till he finished all the rice. Then, to irritate Grandmother, he threw the dish from the tree thus breaking it into pieces.
 The middle-class family of the narrator could not afford these frequent losses. So, Grandfather sold him back to the tonga-driver for three rupees, thus incurring a loss of two rupees.


कथावाचक के दादाजी का एक निजी चिड़ियाघर था। उन्होंने टोंगा-ड्राइवर से पांच रुपये में एक बच्चा बंदर खरीदा और उसे चिड़ियाघर में जोड़ा। इस नए पालतू जानवर को टोटो कहा गया। वह एक चमकदार और शरारती आँखों वाला एक बहुत ही बंदर था। वह इतना शरारती था कि वह अपने सफेद दांत दिखाकर लोगों को डराता था। उसके हाथों में तेज़ उंगलियाँ थीं और वह अपने तीसरे हाथ के रूप में अपनी पूंछ का उपयोग करता था।
टोटो प्यारा लग रहा था लेकिन उसकी मौजूदगी को नैरेटर की दादी से एक गुप्त रखा गया था क्योंकि वह पहले से मौजूद पालतू जानवरों के लिए किसी भी नए अतिरिक्त को स्वीकार नहीं करता था। नतीजतन, टोटो को नैरेटर की बेडरूम की दीवार को खोलने वाली एक कोठरी में रखा गया और उसे दीवार में जकड़े खूंटे से बांध दिया गया। हालांकि, शरारती बंदर वहां ज्यादा देर तक नहीं रुके। उन्होंने सजावटी दीवार-कागज को फाड़ दिया और खूंटी को बाहर निकाला। उन्होंने कथावाचक के स्कूल ब्लेज़र को श्रेड्स में भी दिखाया।
 दादाजी टोटो के इतने शौकीन थे कि क्रोधित होने के बजाय, वह इस विनाश से प्रसन्न थे। उन्होंने कहा कि टोटो इतना चालाक था कि अगर उसे और समय मिल जाता, तो वह एक रस्सी बनाने के लिए ब्लेज़र के फटे हुए टुकड़े बाँध देता और खिड़की से भागने के लिए इसका इस्तेमाल करता। इसके बाद, Tato को नौकरों के क्वार्टर में एक बड़े पिंजरे में रखा गया। एक कछुआ, खरगोशों की एक जोड़ी, एक प्रसिद्धि गिलहरी और कथावाचक पालतू बकरी पहले से ही यहां शांति से रहते थे। लेकिन शरारती बंदर ने रात में इन सभी जानवरों को परेशान किया और उन्हें सोने नहीं दिया। इसलिए, दादाजी उसे अपने साथ सहारनपुर ले जाने का फैसला किया जहाँ उसे अपनी पेंशन लेने के लिए जाना था। कथाकार इस यात्रा पर अपने दादाजी के साथ नहीं जा सका।
 टोहो को देहरादून से सहारनपुर ले जाने के लिए एक बड़े काले कैनवास किट-बैग का इस्तेमाल किया गया था। कुछ पुआल को इस बैग के निचले हिस्से में रखा गया ताकि इसे आरामदायक बनाया जा सके। टोटो को भागने या अपने हाथों को बाहर निकालने से रोकने के लिए बैग काफी मजबूत था। इसलिए, जब उसने बैग से बाहर आने की कोशिश की, तो वह केवल इसे फर्श पर रोल कर सकता था और हवा में इसके साथ कूद सकता था। इस विचित्र दृश्य ने देहरादून मंच पर दर्शकों का ध्यान आकर्षित किया।
 सहारनपुर पहुंचने पर, टोटो ने अचानक अपने सिर को बैग से बाहर निकाला और टिकट-संग्राहक पर व्यापक रूप से मुस्कुराया जब दादाजी उनके टिकट का उत्पादन कर रहे थे। कलेक्टर को शुरू में झटका लगा, लेकिन अपने कंपार्टमेंट को दोबारा प्राप्त करने के बाद, दादाजी को जानवर के लिए भुगतान करने के लिए कहा। दादाजी की झुंझलाहट के लिए, टिकट-कलेक्टर ने बंदर को कुत्ते के रूप में संदर्भित किया। दादाजी ने कलेक्टर को समझाने का प्रयास किया लेकिन आखिरकार टोटो के लिए तीन रुपए किराया के रूप में देना पड़ा। चिढ़कर दादाजी ने अपनी जेब से अपना पालतू कछुआ निकाला और कलेक्टर से इसके लिए शुल्क भी मांगा। मजेदार रूप से, टिकट-कलेक्टर ने कछुए की बारीकी से जांच की और कहा कि उस पालतू कुत्ते के नहीं होने के बाद से कोई शुल्क नहीं देना पड़ता।
अंत में, कथाकार की दादी द्वारा एक पालतू जानवर के रूप में टोटो को स्वीकार किया गया और उन्हें स्थिर में एक आरामदायक घर दिया गया। उसे परिवार के गधे, नाना के साथ वहाँ रहना था। हालांकि, अपने प्रवास की पहली रात में, टोटो ने गधे के लंबे कानों को अपने तेज दांतों से लटका दिया और कभी भी उसके साथ दोस्ती नहीं की।
 टोटो सर्दियों में गर्म पानी के स्नान से प्यार करता था। उनका स्नान अनुष्ठान एक दृश्य था। दादी उसे गर्म पानी का एक बड़ा कटोरा देती थी और टोटो पहले उसके हाथ से उसके तापमान का परीक्षण करता था। फिर वह धीरे-धीरे इसमें कदम रखेगा, एक के बाद एक पैर। वह आराम से अपनी गर्दन तक पानी लेकर बैठ जाता था और अपने हाथों या पैरों से पूरे साबुन को रगड़ता था। जब पानी ठंडा हो जाएगा, तो वह जल्दी से बाहर चला जाएगा और खुद को सुखाने के लिए रसोई की आग तक पहुंच जाएगा। यदि इस अधिनियम के दौरान कोई भी उस पर हँसे, तो वह आहत हो जाएगा और स्नान करने से इंकार कर देगा।
एक दिन टोटो ने स्नान करने की कोशिश करते हुए खुद को लगभग जीवित कर लिया। उन्होंने देखा कि चाय की उबालने के लिए आग पर एक बड़ी रसोई की केतली बची है। उसने ढक्कन हटा दिया और पानी को स्नान के लिए पर्याप्त गर्म पाया। वह अपने सिर के साथ खुले केतली से बाहर चिपके हुए मिला। थोड़ी देर बाद, पानी उबलने लगा और टोटो ने खुद को ऊपर उठाया, लेकिन बाहर ठंडा होने के बाद फिर से बैठ गया। जब तक दादी ने आकर केतली से आधा उबला हुआ टोटो नहीं निकाला तब तक वह कई बार ऊपर-नीचे हुई।
टोटो का बंदर व्यवसाय जारी रहा और यह तय किया गया कि अब उसे पालतू नहीं रखा जा सकता है। यह तब हुआ जब वह लंच के समय मेज पर रखे चावल (पुलाव) के साथ खुद को भरते हुए पकड़ा गया। जब उसने यह देखा तो दादी उस पर चिल्लाई। टोटो ने उस पर एक प्लेट और एक गिलास पानी फेंक दिया जिसमें से एक चाची ने उसे दूर भगाने की कोशिश की। दादाजी के आगमन पर, टोटो ने पकवान उठाया और कटहल के पेड़ की शाखाओं में बैठने के लिए निकले। वह दोपहर तक वहीं रहा और धीरे-धीरे उसने तब तक खाना खाया जब तक उसने सारे चावल खत्म नहीं कर दिए। फिर, दादी को परेशान करने के लिए, उन्होंने पेड़ से पकवान को फेंक दिया और इस प्रकार इसे टुकड़ों में तोड़ दिया।
 कथावाचक का मध्यवर्गीय परिवार इन लगातार घाटे को बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकता था। इसलिए, दादाजी ने उन्हें टोंगा-चालक को तीन रुपये में वापस बेच दिया, इस प्रकार दो रुपये का नुकसान हुआ।


 The story conveys the message that we should love animals. We should also treat them with respect. Grandfather sees the monkey with a tonga-driver. He wants to keep the monkey in his zoo in comfort. So he buys the monkey and keeps it as his pet. But being a wild animal the monkey creates a lot of trouble and grandfather decided that the monkey would be happier with the tonga-driver. Grandfather treats Toto with love and concern. So this lesson gives a message about animal rights and animal welfare.

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow in one or Iwo lines.
 Grandfather and I put him away in a little closet opening into my bedroom wall, where he was tied securely – or so we thought – to a peg fastened into the wall.
 (a) Who is ‘him’ in this extract?
Ans:‘Him’ in this extract is Toto, the baby monkey who was bought from a tonga-driver for five rupees by Grandfather. Toto was brought home as a pet.
 (b) Where was ‘he’ put away and why?
Ans: Toto was put away in a closet opening into the narrator’s bedroom wall. He was placed there to keep his presence a secret from Grandmother, who disliked pets.
(c) How was he tied? Did it prove to be ‘secure’?
 Ans: He was tied to a peg fastened into the wall. This did not prove to be secure because when left alone, Toto wrenched off the peg from its socket.
 (d) What is suggested by the phrase ‘or so we thought’?
 Ans: This phrase suggests that the narrator and his Grandfather were proven wrong in believing that they had tied Toto securely to the Peg.
Unfortunately, I could not accompany Grandfather on that trip but he told me about it afterwards.
(a) Which trip is being referred to here?
Ans: The trip being referred to here was from Dehra Dun to Saharanpur, undertaken by Grandfather.
 (b) Why had Grandfather gone there?
Ans: Grandfather had gone there to collect his pension.
 (c) Why does the speaker use the expression ‘unfortunately?
Ans: The speaker uses the expression ‘unfortunately’ because he enjoyed the company of his Grandfather and did not want to miss any chance to be with him.
 (d) What did Grandfather tell the speaker about the trip afterwards? Why?
Ans: Grandfather told the speaker about all the mischievous acts of Toto on that trip right from his jumping inside the bag at Dehra Dun platform to his peeping out of the bag and grinning at the ticket-collector on the Saharanpur railway station. He shared this information because he was very friendly with his grandson.
The ticket-collector looked closely at the tortoise, prodded it with his forefinger, gave Grandfather a pleased and triumphant look, and said, “No charge. It is not a dog.”
(a) Why did the ticket-collector look closely at the tortoise?
Ans: The ticket-collector looked closely at the tortoise in order to classify the animal in a category before charging for it.
 (b) How did the ticket-collector examine the tortoise?
Ans: The ticket-collector examined the tortoise by prodding it with his finger.
 (c) What type of look did the ticket-collector give to Grandfather? Why?
 Ans: The ticket-collector gave a pleased and triumphant look to Grandfather. He gave this look because he felt happy that he had classified the tortoise as ‘other than a dog’ and had thus saved Grandfather from paying extra.
 (d) Why were the charges waived by the ticket-collector?
Ans: The charges were waived because the tortoise was not a dog and fare could be charged only for dogs.
He would cunningly test the temperature with his hand, then gradually step into the bath, first one foot, then the other (as he had seen me doing), until he was into the water up to his neck.
 (a) Who is ‘he’ and what is he doing?
Ans:‘He’ is Toto, Grandfather’s pet monkey. He is taking a warm water bath on a cold winter evening.
(b) Why does he check the temperature?
Ans: He checks the temperature to make sure that the water is just warm enough to bathe.
 (c) What opinion do you form about Toto from the behaviour described in this extract?
Ans: Toto’s behaviour shows that he is a keen observer. He had seen the narrator taking a bath and he behaved in a similar manner while bathing himself.
 (d) What would Toto do next?
Ans: Toto would rub soap all over himself with his hands or feet.
We found him in the branches of the jackfruit tree, the dish still in his arms. He remained there all afternoon, eating slowly…
(a) Who is ‘him’ in this extract? Who found him?
 Ans:‘Him’ in this extract is Grandfather’s naughty pet, Toto, the baby monkey. He was found by the members of the narrator’s family.
(b)Where did he get the dish from?
Ans: He got the dish from the dining table where it had been laid at lunch-time.
 (c) Why was ‘he’ in the branches of the jackfruit tree?
Ans: He had escaped to the tree with the dish as he did not wish to get caught or punished for this mischief.
(d) What was he eating and why was he eating it slowly?
Ans: He was eating pullao which is made of rice. He was eating it slowly because there were too many small grains to be finished. Besides, he was naughty and eating slowly gave him a chance to tease those who were trying to capture him.

Very Short Answer Type Important Questions


 Q.1. What did Toto do in the author’s room?
 Ans. Toto was kept in a little store. It opened into the narrator’s bedroom. He was tied to a peg on the wall. A few hours later, the narrator found a change in his bedroom. Toto had made himself free by pulling out the peg. He had removed the
wallpaper of the bedroom. He had torn the narrator’s school blazer.
 Q.2. Where was Toto transferred from the author’s bedroom? Did he remain peaceful there?
Ans. Toto was transferred to a big cage. It was in the servants’ quarters. There, other animals of the grandfather’s private zoo were also kept. The zoo included a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, a pet squirrel and a pet goat. The monkey did not allow the animals to sleep in peace at night.
Q.3. Describe how grandfather took Toto with him to Saharanpur.
Ans. The next day, grandfather had to go to Saharanpur to get his pension. He decided to take Toto along with him. He got a big black canvas bag and put Toto into it. The bag was too strong for Toto to bite or tear. Tow remained in the bag as far as Saharanpur. There, he suddenly stuck his head out of the bag and grinned at the ticket collector.
 Q.4. How many pets did the author’s grandfather have? Where were they kept?
 Ans. The author’s grandfather was fond of keeping pets. Ile had a small private zoo of his own. In it, he had a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, a tame squirrel, and the narrator’s pet goat. Toto, the monkey, was the latest addition to his zoo. Apart from these animals, grandfather had a donkey also.
Q.5. How did Toto get along with other animals?
 Ans. Tow did not get along well with other animals. He troubled Nana, the family donkey. He often fastened himself on to her long ears with his sharp teeth. He did not allow other animals to sleep in peace.
Q.6. Why did Toto throw a plate at grandmother?
 Ans. One day Toto saw a large plate full of pullao on the dining table. He started eating it. Grandmother came in. When she saw Tom eating rice, she screamed. Toto did not like it. So he threw the plate at grand-mother. The plate was broken to pieces.
Q.7. Why was toto sold back to the tonga-driver?
Ans. Grandfather realised that Toto could not be kept for long in the house. The family could not bear the frequent loss of dishes, clothes, curtains and wallpapers. At last, grandfather found the tonga-driver. He sold Toto back for only three rupees.
(to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each

Q1. How does Toto come to Grandfather’s private zoo?                                                             

Q. Why did the author’s Grandfather decide to buy Toto?
Ans: Grandfather was fond of pets and he had seen the tonga-driver’s red monkey kept tied to a feeding trough. He felt the monkey looked completely out of place and bought him for five rupees to add him to his private zoo of birds and beasts.

Q. “Toto was a pretty monkey”. In what sense is Toto pretty?

Ans: Toto was a pretty monkey in the sense that his appearance was cute. His bright sparkling eyes, deep-set eyebrows, and pearly white teeth gave him a pretty look. Even Toto’s long tail added to his good looks.

 Q. How did Toto use his body parts to his advantage?

Ans: Toto used his bright eyes to display a mischievous glint. He used his pearly white teeth to smile in a way that would scare Anglo-Indian ladies. He used his fingers quickly and wickedly to pick up things. He used his tail, his third hand, to hang from branches or to pull something that was at a distance.

Q. Why did Grandfather hide Toto for some time when he brought him home?
 Why was Toto’s entry into Grandfather’s zoo kept a secret?

Ans: Grandfather, who was fond of pets, would face resistance from Grandmother whenever he brought a new pet into the house. So, he hid Toto for some time and kept his entry a secret until Grandmother was in a good mood.

Q. Where was Toto kept immediately after Grandfather got him? Why?

 Ans: Toto was put in a closet opening into the narrator’s bedroom wall. He was tied securely to a peg fastened into the wall. He was kept here secretly because Grandmother created fuss whenever a new pet was brought into the house.

Q. What destruction was caused by Toto to the narrator’s room?

Ans: Toto tore off the ornamental paper that covered the wall of the narrator’s room and wrenched the peg, to which he had been tied, from its socket. He also tore the narrator’s school blazer into shreds.

Q. How did Grandfather react when Toto destroyed things on his first day in the house?

Ans: Instead of being angry, Grandfather was pleased at the damage that Toto had caused on his first day in the house. He thought the monkey was clever and felt that if he had got more time, he would have tied the blazer-shreds into a rope and escaped from the window.

Q. What pets did Grandfather have? Where did they live?

Ans: Grandfather’s pets included a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, and a tame squirrel. They lived together peacefully in a big cage in the servants’ quarters where the narrator’s pet goat also lived. Grandfather also had a donkey named Nana that lived in the stable. Toto was the latest addition to the group.

Q. How did Toto behave when he was kept with other pets of Grandfather?

Ans: Toto, the mischievous monkey, ill-treated the other pets of Grandfather. He did not let anyone sleep at night. He bit the long ears of the donkey, Nana, when he was given a place with him in the stable.

Q. Where and why was Grandfather going the next day?

Ans: Grandfather used to live in Dehra Dun and was going to Saharanpur the next day. He was a retired man and was going there to collect his pension.

 Q. Why did Grandfather decide to take Toto with him to Saharanpur?

Ans: Grandfather decided to take Toto with him to Saharanpur in order to keep his presence in the house a secret from Grandmother. Left behind, Toto would have certainly caused trouble like he did when he was kept first in the closet and then with the other pets.

Q. How did Grandfather decide to carry Toto to Saharanpur? Why?

 Ans: Grandfather decided to carry Toto to Saharanpur in a big black canvas kit-bag because Toto was a very mischievous monkey. Had he not been bound and zipped up in the bag, he would have definitely created trouble. Besides, carrying animals without permission was not allowed by the railway authorities.

 Q. How did Grandfather try to keep the presence of his travelling-mate a secret?
Who was Grandfather’s travelling-mate to Saharanpur? How did he try to keep his presence a secret?

Ans: Toto was Grandfather’s travelling-mate to Saharanpur. To keep his presence a secret, Grandfather put him into a big canvas kit-bag and put some straw at the bottom. The canvas was too thick for Toto to bite through it and the bag was so tightly closed that it did not allow any outlet to him.

Q. “An exhibition attracted a curious crowd of onlookers at the Dehra Dun railway platform”.  What was the cause of this exhibition?

Ans: The canvas kit-bag in which Toto had been placed did not allow the naughty animal to escape. Therefore, when he attempted to release himself, he would move inside frantically. The bag would then roll about on the floor and at times jump into the air thus attracting a crowd of curious onlookers at the platform.

 Q. How did the ticket-collector learn about the presence of Toto?

Ans: Toto’s presence in the bag remained hidden until the journey to Saharanpur. But when Grandfather was getting his ticket checked at the railway turnstile, Toto peeped out of the bag and grinned at the ticket-collector.

Q. What did the ticket-collector classify Toto as? Why did he do so?
Ans: The railway ticket-collector classified Toto as a dog. Actually, the monkey had looked out of the bag to give the ticket-collector a wide grin. As a rule, only a dog was allowed to travel by train and was charged for it. That is why Toto was termed as a dog.

 Q. Why did Grandfather get annoyed at the Saharanpur station?

Ans: Grandfather got annoyed at the Saharanpur station because the ticket-collector insisted on calling Toto a dog. In addition, he compelled the old man to pay three rupees as fare for carrying the animal with him.

Q. Why did Grandfather show his tortoise to the ticket-collector?

 Ans: Grandfather got annoyed when the ticket-collector refused to accept Tato as a monkey and asked for fare terming the monkey a dog. Half-sarcastic and half-angry, Grandfather took out the tortoise from his pocket, showed it to the ticket-collector and offered to pay for it as well.

Q. Why didn’t the ticket-collector charge for the tortoise?

Ans: The ticket-collector did not charge for the tortoise because, according to his probe, it was not a dog and according to railway-rules only dogs could be charged. This was funny as even Toto was not a dog.

 Q. When and where was Toto given a comfortable home?

Ans: Toto was given a comfortable home in the stable after his presence became known and acceptable to Grandmother. In the stable, Toto had Nana, the donkey, as his companion.

 Q. Who was Nana? How did Toto trouble him?

Ans: Nana was the narrator’s family donkey. Toto troubled Nana by clinging on to its long ears with his sharp teeth. He did so on the very first night that he shared the stable with the donkey.

Q. Why couldn’t Toto and Nana become friends?

Ans: Toto and Nana couldn’t become friends because he troubled Nana by clinging on to its long ears with his sharp teeth. This upset the donkey and the two could never become friends.

Q. Describe Toto’s bath ritual.
How did Toto take a bath during winters? How did he learn to bathe in that manner?

Ans: Toto enjoyed a warm bath on cold winter evenings. Grandmother would give a large bowl of warm water for this. He would first check the temperature of the water with his hand and then he would step in the bowl by putting one foot after the other, just like the narrator used to do. Next, he would rub soap all over with his hands or feet. When the water would cool down, he would get out and rush to the kitchen-fire to dry himself.

Q. When and why would Toto refuse to take a bath?

Ans: Toto would refuse to take a bath if someone laughed at him as he rushed to the kitchen fire to dry himself. He would feel hurt at being mocked in this manner.

Q. How did Toto’s love for warm bath almost lead to his being half-boiled?

Ans: One day Toto saw a large kitchen kettle that had been left on the fire to boil for tea. He removed the lid and found the water warm enough for a bath. He got into it and a little while later, when the water began to boil, started hopping up and down. At last, Grandmother came and took out a half-boiled Toto from the kettle.

Q. “The brain part devoted to mischief was far more developed in Toto”. Do you agree with this observation of the narrator? Support your answer with instances from the text.

Ans: Toto, although an intelligent monkey, used all his energy in playing mischief and that too of a destructive nature. He would tear and break things or trouble and irritate others. To make matters worse, he would enjoy his mischievous acts. That is why the narrator has made this remark about Toto.
Q. What incident led to Grandfather’s decision of not keeping Toto as a pet?

Ans: Toto was once caught stuffing ‘pullao’ during lunch-time. On being screamed at by Grandmother and the narrator’s aunt, Toto hurled a plate and a glass of water at them. After that, he picked up the dish and escaped through the window in the branches of the jackfruit tree. He threw down and broke the dish after finishing the last grain of rice. This led Grandfather to decide against keeping him as a pet any longer.

 Q. Where did Grandfather finally send Toto and what did it cost him?

Ans: Grandfather finally sold Toto back to the same tonga-driver from whom he was earlier bought. However, Toto had been bought for five rupees and could be sold back only for three rupees.

 Q. Why did Grandfather give away Toto, the monkey?
Why does the author say, “Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long”?

Ans: Toto could not be kept as a pet for long because he was hyperactive and mischievous. He could neither be trained nor tamed. His antics brought frequent loss of dishes, clothes, curtains, wall-paper etc which was too much to overlook since the family was not well-to-do enough to bear such frequent losses. So, Grandfather finally gave him away to the tonga-driver for three rupees.

 Q. Toto was not an animal that could be trained into a pet. Why?

Ans: Toto was actually a wild monkey and that was probably the reason why the tonga-driver used to keep it tied. At Grandfather’s house, he did enough mischief that proved that he was destructive and could not be trained.

Q. Why was Grandfather attracted to Toto?

Ans: Grandfather was a lover of animals. He had a number of birds and beasts as pets in his own private zoo. This love for animals attracted him to Toto who was quite cute. His bright eyes, white teeth, and long tail added to this attraction.

Q. “Toto was a pretty monkey.” In what sense is Tow pretty?                                                      
Ans. Toto had bright eyes sparkling with mischief, pearly white teeth, quick and wicked fingers and a gracious tail which served as a third hand. The smile of Toto was cute and frightened elderly Anglo-Indian ladies. Altogether, these qualities made him pretty.

Q. How does Toto take a bath? Where has he learnt to do this? How does Toto almost boil himself alive?                                                                                                                                                          
Ans. Toto cunningly tested the temperature with his hand then gradually stepped into the bath. He stepped first one foot, then the other, until he was into the water up to his neck. He rubbed himself all over with the soap. He learnt it all from the author. Another day Toto got into a large kitchen kettle which was on fire to boil. He enjoyed the warm water but when the water turned out to be hot he jumped up and down. Luckily, the grandmother arrived in time and pulled him out in half-boiled condition.

Q. Why was it decided to keep Toto’s presence a secret?

Ans. Grandmother usually quarrelled with Grandfather on the issue of a pet. Whenever Grandfather brought some new bird or animal, Grandmother got furious at the very mention of any new creature. To avoid this situation it was decided to keep Toto’s presence a secret until she was in a good mood.

Q. Why does the author say, “Toth was not the sort of pet we could keep for long”? 
Ans. Author’s statement about Toto proves itself if we take Toto’s misdeeds into consideration. Nobody could afford frequent losses. He disturbed all other animals too. Obviously, Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long.

Q. Where was Toto transferred to after he wrenched the peg in the wall?
Ans. Toto was transferred to a big cage. This cage was kept in the servant’s quarters and a number of Grandfather’s pets live in a friendly manner here. But Toto did not allow any of his companions to sleep at night.

Q. How did Toto behave with Nana, the donkey?

 Ans. No doubt, Toto was mischievous. He kept creating problems not only for animals but for the members of the family also. The night Toto passed with Nana was full of disturbance. When Grandfather visited the stable he found Toto fastened on to Nana’s long ears with his sharp little teeth. They could never become friends.

Q. Why did grandfather buy Toto?

Ans. Toto seemed out of place with the tongo-driver. He looked pretty also. Grandfather wanted to include him in his pets. So, he decided to buy him.

Q. How is the tail useful for the monkey as in the case of Toto?

Ans. It works like a third hand for the monkey. He can hang on to the branches of trees with its help. Moreover, with it, he can reach up to a thing which is out of his hand’s reach.

Q. Why was the narrator’s grandfather attracted to Toto?

Ans. The narrator’s grandfather was very fond of pets. Toto was a pretty monkey. He had small shining eyes and they were full of mischief. His teeth were no less than pearls. Although he was tied to a feeding trough, his fingers were quick. His appearance very much attracted the narrator’s grandfather.

 Q. What happened when Toto tried to escape?

Ans. Toto was kept in a canvas kit-bag. The canvas was too strong for him to bite. Toto wanted to escape. While making efforts to get out, he occasionally rolled about or jumped into the air. As he was inside the bag, the onlookers could not see him. In this way, the onlookers on the Dehradun platform got attracted.
 Q. Why does grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how? Why does the ticket collector insist on calling Toto a dog?                                                                                                                                         
Ans. Toto was a mischievous monkey. He kept disturbing all other animals in grandfather’s private zoo. It seemed that only grandfather could manage him properly. So, he took Toto to Saharanpur in a bag. The ticket collector called Toto a dog as the monkey did not qualify the category of human beings.

Q. Why did the onlookers get attracted to Toto on the Dehradun railway platform?

Ans. Toto was kept in a canvas kit-bag. The canvas was too strong for him to bite. Toto wanted to get free. While making efforts to get out, he occasionally rolled about or jumped into the air. As he was inside the bag, the onlookers could not see him. In this way, the onlookers on the Dehradun platform got attracted.

Q. Who was Nana? ‘Why did he never become Tote’s friend?

Ans. The narrator’s grandfather had a private zoo. Nana was a donkey when Toto was finally accepted my grandmother, he was transferred to the stable. Here Nana was also living. Toto was a big problem for Nana in the stable. Therefore, he never became Toto’s friend.

 Q. How did the narrator’s grandmother get rid of Toto?

Ans. Toto was fully devoted to mischiefs. He did whatever he liked. It was impossible for the family to afford the frequent loss caused by Toto. So Grandfather sold him back to the tonga-driver for only three rupees.

Q. How does Toto come to grandfather’s private zoo?                                            (NCERT)
Ans. Grandfather loved animals. One day he saw this attractive monkey with a tonga-driver. The monkey was tied to a feeding-trough and seemed out of place there. Grandfather had a great liking for animals. So he decided to buy Toto from the tonga-driver and bought it for five rupees.

Other Important Questions



1.    How did Toto get along with other animals?


 Ans. Toto was kept in a big cage along with other animals. He did not allow any of his companions to sleep at night. He also did not get along well with the family donkey, Nana.

2.    What did Toto do with the dish of pullao ?

Ans. One day a large dish of pullao was kept in the centre of the dining table. Toto started stuffing himself with rice. He ran away with the dish when Grandfather arrived there. Grandmother screamed at him. He threw the plate at her. It broke into many pieces.

3.    Why was Toto sold back to the tonga-driver?

Ans. The writer’s family was not well-to-do. They could not afford the loss of dishes, clothes, curtains and wallpaper. So Toto was sold back to the tonga-driver.

4.    Why did Grandfather decide to include the monkey in his private zoo?

Ans. The tonga-driver kept the monkey tied to a feeding trough. The monkey looked out of place there. So Grandfather decided to include him in his private zoo.

5.    How did Toto behave when he was put in a closet?

Ans. Toto tore off the wallpaper. He pulled off the peg in the wall from its socket. The writer’s school blazer had been hanging there. He tore it to pieces.

6.    Describe how Toto took a bath during winter evenings.

 Ans. During winter evenings, Grandmother gave Toto a large bowl of warm water for his bath. Toto very cleverly tested the temperature of the water with his hand. He then gradually stepped into the bath. He would put first foot, then the other until he was into the water up to the neck. He then took the soap in his hands or feet. He rubbed himself all over with it. When the water became cold, he got out. Then he ran as quickly as he could to the kitchen-fire. He dried himself there. Toto had seen the writer taking bath. Thus he had learnt to copy him accordingly.

7.    How did Toto nearly boil himself alive?

 Ans. One day a large kitchen kettle had been left on the fire. It had water to boil for tea. Toto had nothing to do. He removed the lid. He found the water just warm enough for a bath. So he got inside. His head was sticking out from the open kettle. For a while, it was fine but soon the water began to boil. Toto raised himself a little. But it was cold outside. So he sat down again. He continued to hop up and down for some time. Then Grandmother arrived. She pulled him out of the kettle. Toto was nearly half-boiled.

Q.8. Describe Toto’s mischief at lunch-time.

 Ans. One day, at lunch-time,, a large dish of pullao was left in the centre of the dining table. The writer. and the members of his family entered the roontiThey found Toto stuffing himself with rice. Grandmother started screaming. Toto threw a plate at her. One of the writer’s aunts rushed forward. Toto threw a glass of water in her face. When Grandfather arrived, Toto picked up the dish of pullao and went out through a window. He stayed in the branches of the jackfruit tree all afternoon. The dish was still in his arms. He ate slowly all the grains of rice in the dish. Then he threw the dish down from the tree. When the dish broke into pieces, he chattered with delight.

Important Long
Value-based questions-



I.                 Describe in brief, the adventures of Toto, the monkey.


 Ans. The tow was a pretty monkey. He was very mischievous. Grandfather bought him from a tonga-driver for three rupees. At first, Toto was kept in a little store. It opened into the narrator’s bedroom. Here Toto removed the wallpaper and tore the narrator’s school blazer. Now Toto was transferred to grandfather’s private zoo-Saharanpur. He was put in a canvas private zoo. Here monkey did not allow the animals to sleep in peace at night. Toto travelled with grandfather to In the stable, Toto gave a lot of as ag. Grandfather had to pay three rupees extra on account of Toto’s ticket. he found the water too hot, I trouble to the donkey. Once Tom putts himself into the kettle on the fire. When lunchtime Toto saw a dish op.. jumped up and down. Grandfather saved him from there. One day, at the dish of pulao and ran out. lie – I rice on the dining table. He started eating rice. Then he picked them into pieces. sat on the jackfruit tree. After eating rice. he threw the plate and broke it into pieces

 Q.2. Describe the situation in which grandfather found himself at the Saharanpur railway station.

Ans. Toto’s presence had still not been disclosed to the grandmother. The next day, grandfather had to go to Saharanpur to get his pension. He decided to take Toto along with him. He got a big black canvas bag and put Toto into it. The bag was too strong for Toto to bite or tear. Toto remained in the bag as far as Saharanpur. At the gate, as the ticket-collector was checking grandfather’s ticket, Toto put his head out of the bag and grinned at the ticket-collector. He told the grandfather that there was a dog with him. Grandfather told him that it was not a dog. but a monkey. But the ticket-collector was adamant and charged three rupees extra. Then grandfather showed him his pet tortoise. The ticket-collector said that it was not a dog and hence there would be no ticket for it.

 Q.3. Describe Toto’s mischief at lunchtime. How did the author’s family get rid of Toto in the end?

 Ans. Toto’s mind was full of mischiefs. One day at lunchtime, he found a large dish of rice on the dining table. He started eating the rice. When grandmother found  Toto eating rice, she screamed. Toto threw a plate at her. An aunt of the narrator came forward. Toto threw a glass of water at her. The Toto picked the dishes pullao and ran out. He sat on the jackfruit tree. He remained there all afternoon, eating the rice. After that, he threw the plate and broke it into pieces.
 At last, grandfather realised that Toto could not be kept for long in the house. The family could not bear the frequent loss of dishes, clothes, curtains and wallpapers. At last, grandfather found the same tonga driver.H e sold Toto back for only three rupees.
Q4. Why does Grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how? Why does the ticket-collector insist on calling Toto a dog?                                                                                                                                                
Ans: Grandfather had to go to Saharanpur to get his pension. He could not leave behind Toto because his presence in the house was still a secret for Grandmother. In addition, Toto was too mischievous. The manner in which he had torn the wall-paper, shredded the narrator’s school-blazer and ill-treated other animals made it too risky to leave him behind. Grandfather securely packed Toto in a big, black canvas kit-bag so that he could not escape or bother other passengers. That is how Toto accompanied Grandfather on his train journey to Saharanpur.
The journey was largely uneventful but at Saharanpur platform, Toto poked out his head and grinned. The ticket-collector noticed him and insisted on charging the fare for him, for Grandfather had not bought a ticket for the animal. As per the guidelines of railways, the fare could be charged only for dogs. So the ticket-collector insisted on calling Toto a dog and charged the fare for him by placing him under the category of dogs.

Q5. How did Toto create problems for Grandfather on way to Saharanpur?

Ans: Grandfather had to zip up Toto in a big black canvas kit-bag for carrying him to Saharanpur from Dehra Dun. It was ensured that he could not escape or get his hands out or bite through the strong canvas once the bag was closed. However, Toto was so restless that he tried to come out of the bag by jumping inside it. This made the bag roll about on the floor and jump into the air. It drew the attention of onlookers at the Dehra Dun platform and it became quite difficult for Grandfather to keep his presence a secret. On reaching Saharanpur, Toto suddenly poked his head out of the bag and grinned widely at the ticket-collector. The secret of his presence got revealed and cost Grandfather three rupees that had to be paid as fare.

Q6. What ruckus did Toto create at lunch-time one day?
How did Toto get on Grandmother’s nerves at lunch-time one day?

 Ans: One day, at lunch-time, a large dish of pullao had been placed at the centre of dining-table in the narrator’s house. When his family entered the room, they found Toto stuffing himself with rice. This startled Grandmother and she screamed. Toto at once threw a plate at her in his defence. Then one of the narrator’s aunts rushed forward and Toto threw a glass of water in her face. When Grandfather arrived, Toto escaped through the window with the dish of pullao. The family found him in the branches of a jackfruit tree with the dish in his arms. He stayed there all afternoon and slowly finished every grain of rice in the dish. In the end, he threw the dish and chattered with delight when it broke just to spite Grandmother who had screamed at him.

 Q7. How did Toto like to have a bath in winters? How did he once get into serious trouble while trying to have a hot-water bath?

Ans: Bathing in a large bowl of warm water in cold winter evenings was a treat for Toto. He would cunningly test the temperature of the water brought by the grandmother with his hand and gradually step into the bath, first one foot, then the other until he was into the water up to his neck.
Once comfortable, he would take the soap in his hands or feet and rub himself all over. When the water became cold, he would get out and quickly run to the kitchen fire to dry himself. If ever someone tried to laugh at him, he would refuse to go on with the bath. His fondness for a hot water bath one day got him into serious trouble. He noticed a kitchen kettle on the fire and having nothing better to do decided to remove the lid. Finding the water just warm enough for a bath, he got in. For a while it was fine, but soon he began hopping in and out of the kettle because the water had got really hot while outside the kettle it was too cold for him. That day Toto would have boiled himself to death, had Grandmother not arrived in time to rescue him.

Q8. What human values do you see in Grandmother after reading this story

Ans: Grandmother appeared to be a tough woman. She always fussed when Grandfather brought home some new bird or animal but this fuss would disappear as soon as she would get into a good mood. That is why she accepted Toto as the new pet after a few days. When Toto tore the narrator’s school-blazer to shreds, the narrator’s first worry was what Grandmother would say. He thought so because she gave the impression of being a strict disciplinarian. However, her soft heart had compassion for all. Toto was mischievous and destructive since day one; still, Grandmother would overlook everything and give him a bowl of warm water to bathe. Again, it was the Grandmother who rescued Toto from getting boiled in the kettle. Thus it can be clearly seen that Grandmother had a kind heart, although she appeared to be tough outwardly.

 Q9. Grandfather possessed the values of childlike simplicity. Do you agree/disagree? Give reasons.

Ans: Grandfather had a private zoo with different kinds of animals – a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, and a tame squirrel. But his childlike love for animals made him buy another animal, a monkey, as a pet. Grandmother did not like this habit of her husband, so he kept his new pet a secret from his wife. The manner in which he tried to hide Toto or admire him as clever when the former shredded the narrator’s school blazer, shows that although the elderly, Grandfather was actually as simple as a child. Again, when he hides Toto in a bag on way to Saharanpur and produces a tortoise from his pocket before the ticket-collector, confirms his childlike simplicity.

 Q10.Toto was a sharp and active monkey. Discuss.

Ans: Toto was keenly observant and swift in his actions. He noted closely the manner in which the narrator took bath. He copied every action including testing the temperature of the water with his hand. His physical appearance added to his sharp and active image. Deep-set eyebrows framing his sparkling eyes, pearly white teeth frequently breaking into a grin, quick and wickedly used fingers, and a long tail made Toto look every inch a clever monkey. However, he used his intelligence for doing all kinds of mischievous things. He destroyed the wallpaper of the narrator’s bedroom, shredded his school blazer, did not let the other animals sleep peacefully, a bit on the family donkey’s ears, made holes in the narrator’s aunt’s dresses, and ate the pullao and broke the dish afterwards. Thus, Toto certainly was a sharp and active monkey but he was difficult to train and could not be kept as a pet for long and without peril.

Q11. Do you think it is advisable to keep a monkey like Toto as a pet in the house? Why/ why not?

Ans. Some animals like a dog are good pets and they are sensible in many things but keeping a monkey as a pet is not advisable. Monkeys are mischievous by nature so they can create chaos and may harm the children at home. They are fond of damaging the things around them and it becomes quite difficult to attend to a guest. In the story, the grandfather who was fond of animals had many animals in his private zoo and they were living at peace. The arrival of a new member, Tao’, created chaos not only among animals but also in the whole house. Toto was not an ordinary animal. He was a very mischievous monkey. He became a headache for the family and at last grandfather had to sell it back to the real owner.

Q12. Do you have a pet? Describe your pet and compare it with Toto, the monkey.

 Ans. Yes, I have a pet. It is a dog. It is also very mischievous but not as mischievous as Toto. Its name is Puffy. It was only a month old when I brought it home. In the beginning, it caused a lot of problems for us but gradually it improved. We provided him with training also. It does not damage the objects around him. He plays with his toys only. He is very friendly to our guests also. He can differentiate between familiar people and strangers. When Puffy is there, no intruder can dare to enter the house. He is very powerful. He is nowhere similar to Toto. Thus it is true that a dog is a faithful animal.

Q13. Grandmother had an aversion to pets. Was it right for a grandfather to keep a mini-zoo in his house and also bring in Toto, the monkey? Discuss.

Ans. Grandfather had immense love for animals. He had created a private zoo in the house. In his zoo, one could see a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, a tame squirrel and pet goats. He took the special care when grandmother had an aversion to pets. When Toto was brought home, his arrival was kept a secret. Toto was a naughty monkey. All the time he kept creating problems in the family. Since the very day Toto entered the house, he started damaging the household things. He pulled out the peg, tore wallpapers and the author’s blazer. Moreover, he never let other animals live in harmony with the other pets. He proved to be an expensive deal. So, grandfather was not right in keeping Toto in his private zoo. Grandfather should also have kept in mind the likes and dislikes of the grandmother.

Q14. Grandfather had kept many animals in his private zoo and cared for them. Does this show that we should care about animals?

Ans. Grandfather was a kind-hearted person. He was an animal lover by choice. He had his own private zoo in his house. He kept bringing home new animals that he liked. He was a fully determined person. He had a lot of patience and took all things positively. When he brought Toto, he felt satisfied. He wanted to keep Toto with other animals, but Toto kept disturbing other animals. So, Grandfather transferred him frequently from one place to another in order to make Toto adjust with the other animals. He was a man of strong mind and body. His taste made him a naturalist. He treated his pet animals as his family members.

 Q15. Animals should be treated with love and respect. Comment on this statement with the lesson ‘The Adventures of Toto’ as the background.

Ans. It is right that animals should be treated with love and respect. It is not right to show cruelty towards them. Even wild animals should be treated with care. In the story The Adventures of Toto’, we find grandfather showing love and kindness towards animals. He had set up a mini-zoo in his house where he had kept a number of animals. He also tried to give Toto a comfortable life. Since pet animals give us company, we should look after them with love and concern.

Q16. Many of us keep pets at home. How do pets benefit us? Answer with reference to the lesson ‘The Adventures of Toto’.

Ans. These days more and more people are having pets. Mostly, it is a dog or a cat. Pets give us company and provide us with emotional support. They amuse us, makes us feel happy and prevents us from feeling lonely. Grandfather had created a mini-zoo in his house. He had reared many pets. He showed love and respect towards them. Pets such as dogs even provide us with security. So pets are very advantageous and keep us happy.

Q17. ‘If there is a part of the brain especially devoted to mischief, that part was largely developed in Toto.’ Justify the statement. Why did even grandfather realise that Toto was not the sort of pet they could keep for long?

Ans. It is true that Toto had a very fertile and mischievous brain. He was always up to one mischief or the other. His fingers were quick and wicked. His presence was kept a secret to grandmother. He bit the ornamental wall-paper to pieces. The peg had been pulled out of the socket. The school blazer of the narrator was in shreds. But grandfather was pleased with Toto’s performance. On Dehradun railway platform, he suddenly poked his head out of the bag and gave the ticket-collector a wide-grin. He was classified as a dog and grandfather had to pay three rupees extra as his fare. One day Toto nearly succeeded in boiling himself alive. He was always tearing things to pieces. The family couldn’t afford the frequent loss of dishes, clothes, curtains and wallpaper. Even grandfather realised that Toto was not the sort of pet they could keep for long. So, grandfather found the tonga-driver and sold Toto back to him for three rupees.




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