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Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Introduction of the lesson- THE LOST CHILD

‘The Lost Child’ is one of the famous stories of Mulk Raj Anand. This story shows the working of the child’s mind. It shows that a child has great love for his parents. In this story, a child goes to see the village fair in the company of his father and mother. He is attracted by different things in the fair. He asks his parents s, again and again, to buy him something or the other. But they don’t buy anything for him. By chance, the child gets separated from his parents. He starts He runs here and there shouting for his parents. A kind man sees him. He tries to console the child. He takes him to different shops. But the child goes on weeping. Now he has lost interest in everything. He only cries, “I want my mother, I want my father!”

(`The Lost Child’ मुलक राज आनंद की प्रसिद्ध कहानियों में से एक है । यह कहानी एक बच्चे के मन की कार्यप्रणाली को दर्शाती है । यह दर्शाती है कि बच्चे को अपने माता-पिता से बहुत प्यार होता है । इस कहानी मेँ एक बच्चा अपने माता-पिता के साथ गॉव का एक मेला देखने जाता है । वह मेले में बिभिन्न वस्तुओं की तरफ आकर्षित होता है । यह अपने माता पिता को बार बार कहता है कि वे ड़से कुछ खरीद दें । मगर वे  उसके लिए कुछ  नहीं खरीदते । संयोगवश बच्चा अपने माता-पिता से बिछुड़ जाता है । वह रोना आरम्भ कर देता है । बह अपने माँ-बाप के लिए चिल्लाता हुआ यहाँ-वहाँ दौड़ता है । एक दयालु व्यक्ति उसे देखता है । बह बच्चे को साँत्वना देने का प्रयत्न करता है । बह उसे कईं दुकानों पर ले जाता है । मगर बच्चा रोता रहता है । अब उसकी प्रत्येक वस्तु से रुचि समाप्त हो गई है । वह केवल चिल्लात्ता है, “मुझे मेरी माँ चाहिए, मुझे मेरे पिता चाहिए ।’ )

Theme / Central Idea of the Lesson.


The story is based on the theme of the close bond that children share with their parents. The lost child forgets all about his desires and yearns deeply for his parents when he fails to find them. Everything else loses its significance and the only thing that matters is his wish to be reunited with his parents.

Theme (2)
A child looks at this world with wide eyes. He is attracted towards most of the things he comes across in daily life. The child wants to possess all things that he is attracted to. But very often, the parents are not able to fulfil the wishes of the child. This may be due to two reasons. Either they are not able to afford it or they feel that a particular thing is not good for the child. The child may not understand this and may even feel angry. But the child understands the worth of his parents in their absence. He longs for his parents and cries for them. In this story we find the child crying for his parents when he gets lost and nothing else matters to him.

Justify the title of  The Lost Child


 “The Lost Child” describes an episode in the life of a child who gets lost in a fair. All the incidents in the story are about this child. The writer focuses his attention on the contrast in the behaviour of the child before and after getting lost. The writer’s understanding of the psychology of little children, especially during the absence of their parents, is reflected in this story. Hence, the title is very appropriate.

Moral/ Message of the lesson – (Lesson Name)
The story conveys the message that children love their parents unconditionally. The lost child thinks of his father as a strict person when he demands toys from him. He does not press his parents for sweets or garlands etc because he accepts that they will never grant him his wish. However, he gets scared when he realises that he is lost. He cries inconsolably for his parents and forgets all about his cravings for sweets, garlands, snake-charmers show, and even the ride on a roundabout. This message of the story makes the reader understand the worth of parents in the life of a child.

Main Characters of the Story

The Lost Child
 The ‘lost child’ is the main character in the story. He is innocent and happy by nature. He walks joyfully to the fair and plays with everything that comes his way including insects and worms. He is obedient and follows his parents’ instructions without any grudge. He is cheerful and does not throw tantrums when they refuse to buy him things. In fact, he is very intelligent because half the time he does not even wait for their refusal, for he already scares him. After getting lost, he does not get tempted or consoled by the very things that he had longed for earlier from his parents. This child wins reader’s love and admiration for his innocence and purity.


The parents of the child are his entire world. They provide safety and security to their son that is essential for every human being. The father appears to be a bit stricter than the mother but together they make the perfect support system for their child. On a deeper level, their refusal may be seen as an attempt to instil discipline in their child. Their concern for the little boy can be seen from the constant reminders that they give him whenever he lags behind. The mother’s efforts to divert the child’s attention to other things show that she has immense patience and love for her son. Thus, the parents impress the reader with their affection and concern for their little boy.

 Helpful man

The helpful man represents people, who from the crowd are inherently good-natured. He rescues the lost child and saves him from getting trampled. He sincerely tries to find his parents because he is mature enough to understand their plight at having lost their son. He is soft-hearted because he cannot bear to see the child suffer. He tries to console him by offering him the things that are usually loved by children. This also shows that he must be a family man with children of his own. He understands children’s behaviour and is patient with the child when he refuses all the things offered by him. The helpful man thus reassures the reader that general goodness is still alive in human beings.

Main Characters of the Story

Character Sketches

The Lost Child: The child was very excited as he was to a fair with his parents. He was fascinated by many things like toys, many sweets, a garland, etc. in the fair. He asked his parents to buy something for him, but they refused him. He was an obedient child as he could see the refusal for his demands on his parent’s face. He wanted to enjoy the roundabout. But as he moved back to request his parents for it, he found his parents nowhere. His face was convulsed with fear and tears rolled down from his eyes. A man from the crowd heard his cries and tried to console him by offering different things which previously he wanted to have. The fear is so predominant that the child did not show any interest. He was so innocent that he only wanted his parents.

The Unknown Man: The unknown man was a very kind and generous man. In the crowd, he was the only one who came forward to help the lost child. First, he lifted up the lost child in his arms. He asked the child about him and his parents and got to know that he had lost his parents. He tried each and everything to console the lost and sobbing child. He offered every exciting thing in the fair to the child which earlier he wanted to buy. The unknown man is the symbol of humanity who is ready to help the lost child in all aspects.

(The Lost Child)/ Brief note on the Lesson

It was a day of spring-festival and all the villagers were going brightly dressed to a fair. A little boy and his parents were also among them. The kid was excited and thrilled to see the small toy shops on the way and the flies and bees in the fields. His parents kept calling him over and reminded him to walk beside them.
 At last, they reached the fair and a large crowd of people left the boy confused. He was happy and bewildered at the same time. He saw a sweetmeat seller at the entrance and was tempted to have the burfi displayed on the counter. He demanded the sweet half-heartedly because he knew that instead of buying it for him, his parents would term him greedy. So he moved on and soon came across a flower-seller. Fascinated by the gulmohur garlands, he again made a faint demand for flowers but knew well that his parents would not buy anything, for flowers were cheap in their opinion. Moving on, he saw a balloon-seller. He was thrilled to see the brightly coloured balloons but knew that his parents would not buy one for him because they thought that he was too old to play with balloons. Next, a snake-charmer playing the flute drew his attention. The child moved towards him a little but withdrew his steps because he knew that his parents had forbidden him to hear such rough music. On moving ahead the child was charmed by a roundabout in full swing. Failing to resist his desire, he made a bold request to his parents to let him go on the roundabout.
The child did not get any reply, so he turned to look at his parents. They were not to be seen anywhere near him. He got extremely scared and started crying. He ran here and there but could not find them. He rushed in panic to a shrine which was crowded with people. He tried to make his way through the feet of this crowd but was knocked down and began crying loudly. A man heard his cries and rescued him from being trampled.
Lifting the little boy in his arms, the kind man asked him how had he got there and whose baby he was. The scared child did not answer and kept crying and asking for his parents. The good man tried to soothe him and took him to the roundabout offering to get him a ride on the horse. But the child did not want anything else other than his mother and father. The man took the inconsolable child to the snake-charmer, the balloon-seller, and the flower-seller one by one. He offered to fulfil all wishes that he had made just a little while ago, but the child turned down all the offers. He just wanted his parents and nothing else.

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow in one or two lines.
 His father looked at him red-eyed, in his familiar tyrant’s way. His mother, melted by the free spirit of the day was tender and, giving him her finger to hold, said, “Look, child, what is before you!”

(a)  When did the father look red-eyed at the child?
Ans: The father looked red-eyed at the child when he pleaded for toys that were in the shops lined the way to the fair.

(c)  Who is a tyrant? Was the father actually a tyrant?
Ans: A tyrant is a cruel man who always keeps his self-interest supreme.
The father was not a tyrant in this sense of the term. He was simply a strict disciplinarian as a parent.

 (c) What was the ‘free spirit of the day’ that made the mother ‘tender’?

 Ans: It was the day of the festival of spring and all were in a mood to rejoice. The mood of festivity was the free spirit that made the mother soft-hearted.

(e)  Why did the mother ask the child to look before him?
Ans: The mother asked the child to look before him because she wanted to divert his attention from the toys in the shops without upsetting him after his father’s stern refusal.
But he half knew as he begged that his plea would not be heeded because his parents would say he was greedy.

(a)  Who is ‘he’ in this line?
Ans: ‘He’ is the little boy from the story “The Lost Child”.

(c)  What was the plea made by him?
Ans: He made the plea to his parents to buy him the sweetmeat burfi being sold at the entrance of the fair.

(c) How did he ‘half knew’ that his plea would not be heeded?

Ans: The child’s parents were strict disciplinarians and would generally refuse to grant him his wish. So he somewhat knew that his request would not be heeded to this time as well.

(e)  What did he do after this?
Ans: He moved on without waiting for an answer from his parents, assuming their silence to be a refusal.

 The poor child struggled to thrust away between their feet but, knocked to and fro by their brutal movements, he might have been trampled underfoot, had he not shrieked at the highest pitch of his voice.

(a)  Where was the child at this time? Why?
Ans: The child was amid a crowd of people in the shrine because he had got separated from his parents and was desperately looking for them.

(c)  What was he trying to do?
Ans: He was trying to make his way through the feet of the crowd in order to find his parents.

 (c) Why could the child have got trampled?

Ans: The child could have got trampled because the shrine was crowded and he was so small that people did not realise his presence around their feet.
(e)  Why did the child shriek?
Ans: The child shrieked “Father, Mother!” because he was terribly scared
about getting lost.

“Will you have a ride on the horse?” he gently asked as he approached the ring. The child’s throat tore into a thousand shrill sobs and he only shouted, “I want my mother, I want my father!”

(a)  Who is ‘he’ in the first line of the extract? Whom is ‘he’ offering a ride on the horse?
Ans: ‘He’ is the kind man who rescues the child from getting trampled in the shrine. He asks the lost child for a ride on the horse.

(c)  Why does ‘he’ ask for a ride?
 Ans: The kind man asks for a ride because the child was crying inconsolably for his parents and he wanted to quieten the child by diverting his attention.
 (c) Why did the child’s throat ‘tore into a thousand shrill sobs’?

Ans: The child’s throat tore into a thousand shrill sobs because he was extremely scared and wanted to be united immediately with his parents.

(e)  Why did the child shout, “I want my mother, I want my father!”?
Ans: The child shouted for his father and mother because he felt insecure in their absence. They were more important to him than toys, sweets, garlands or ride on a roundabout.

 Short Answer Type Questions  (30 to 40 words)


Additional Questions


Q.1. The plough did the fattier distract the child’s mind from the toy-seller?

 Ans. The child saw a toy-seller.H e told his parents that he wanted to buy a toy. But his father was the stem. He !looked at him with anger. The child was familiar with his father’s strict ways. So he did not insist on buying the toy.

 Q.2. There were somethings he knew his parents would not buy for him, so he did not ask for them. What were these? 

Ans. The child knew his parents well. He wanted to have a garland of gulmohur flowers. But he kilos that his parents would say that the flowers were very cheap. Then he wanted to buy balloons. But he knew that Ms parents would say that he was too big to play for them. So he did not ask his parents for garlands and balloons.

Q.3. How did the child try to catch one of the dragonflies? Was he able to catch one?

 Ans. There was a mustard-field before the child. He saw a group of dragon-flies in the field. H e  was attracted to them. One dragon-fly stilled its wings and rested. The boy tried to catch it. But it flew away and the child could not catch it.
Q.4. Describe the village scene when people were heading towards the fair.

 Ans. It was springtime. A crowd of men, women and children was going to the fair. They were dressed in colourful clothes. Some of them were on foot some rode on horses, while others went in bullock cans. There were many shops on the way. People were in a joyful mood.

 Q.5. What was the child’s reaction to seeing the sweets-seller?

 Ans. The child saw a man selling sweets. He was crying. “Gulab-Jaman. Rasagull & burfi, jalebi.” His shop displayed a number of sweets. These looked good and mouth-watering. Burfi was the child’s, favourite sweet. So he told his parents that he wanted some burfi.

Q.6. Why did the child go to the snake-charmer? Why did he not stay there?

Ans. The child saw a snake-charmer. He was playing the flute before the snake. The music charmed the boy greatly. But he did not stay there and moved away. He knew that his parents had forbidden him to hear such music. They thought that it was coarse music.

Q.7. What did the man do to make the child happy?

 Ans. The man saw the child crying. He lifted him up in his arms and tried to soothe him. He took the child to the snake-charmer. Then he offered to buy balloons for him. He offered to buy him flowers. Then he took him to the sweets shop. But the child did not want to buy anything. He wanted only to be united with his parents.


(to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each)

Q1. Where did the child go with his parents? What did he want there?

Ans: The child went to a fair with his parents, which had been organized to celebrate the festival of spring. He wanted them to buy him sweets, garlands, and balloons at the fair. He also wanted to see the snake charmer’s show and ride on a roundabout
Q2.Was the fair popular with people in general? Give reasons.
Was the festival of spring an attraction for the people?

Ans: The fair was certainly very popular with people in general because they had left their daily routine work, dressed up in their best and had come to enjoy the spring festival. They were with their families and crowded the stalls and rides displayed at the fair.

Q3. Parents were in a hurry to reach the fair but the child was delaying them. How?

 Ans: The child was getting tempted by the many distractions on way to the fair. Sometimes he would stop by the toy shops while at other times he would start running after butterflies. The parents had to pause frequently and call him to walk beside them.

Q4. What are the things that the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind?


Ans: The child sees toys, insects, worms, and flowers on his way to the fair. He gets lured by these things and stops frequently to watch them longingly. Thus, he fails to keep pace with his parents and lags behind.
Q5. How did the child’s father react to hearing the child say, “I want that toy.”?

Ans: The child was used to his parents’, especially his father’s habit of refusing him anything that he desired to have. Yet when he dared to express his desire to have a toy, his father looked at him red-eyed like a tyrant. The very look was an emphatic and rude ‘no’.

Q6. How can you say that the child was scared of his father?

Ans: The child was tempted by many things but he asked for them only in slow murmurs. This shows that he was scared of his father and could not express his demands as rightfully as some other children do.

Q7. How did the mother distract the child’s mind from the toy seller?

Ans: The child’s mother drew his attention to the flowering mustard field to distract his mind from the toy seller. Here he saw colourful dragon-flies with gaudy purple wings, black bee and butterflies. He gazed at them as they flew in the air.

Q8. How did the child enjoy the beauty of nature on his way to the fair?

Ans: On his way to the fair, the child saw a flowering mustard field. He stopped there to watch the little insects and worms that were coming out from their hiding places. He then tried to gather the petals of falling flowers and ran gaily in circles around a banyan tree.

 Q9. Why did the child stop to watch the insects and what were his parents doing at that time?

Ans: The child stopped because he was attracted by the little insects and worms along the footpath coming out of hiding to enjoy the warmth of the sun. Meanwhile, his parents stopped to take rest under the shade of trees.

Q10. What happened when the little child entered the grove? How did he enjoy there?

 Ans: When the little child entered the grove, a shower of young flowers fell upon him. He forgot all about his parents and began to gather the petals. Then he heard the cooing of doves and he ran excitedly to his parents, dropping the flowers he had gathered.

Q11. Why did the child feel both repelled and fascinated by the fair?

Ans: The child was amazed to see a huge crowd of people at the fair. This left him confused and a bit afraid. However, the natural sights, stalls of eatables, rides, games and toys at the fair fascinated him.
Q12. What did the child see at the sweetmeat shop? How did he react at this sight?

Ans: At the sweetmeat shop on the entrance of the fair, the child saw an architecture of many coloured sweets that made his eyes open wide and left his mouth filled with water. He longed to have his favourite burfi but instinctively knew that his parents would not buy him any. So, he moved on without waiting for an answer.

Q13. Why didn’t the child wait for an answer after he had pleaded for sweets?

Ans: The child’s mouth watered at the sight of his favourite sweet ‘burfi’. He murmured slowly asking for one but didn’t wait for an answer because he knew his parents would refuse and call him greedy.

Q14. Why couldn’t the child get a garland of flowers for himself?

Ans: The child wanted to get a garland of gulmohur flowers for himself but he asked for it in a half murmuring voice only. Actually, he knew that his parents would refuse by saying that those flowers were cheap.

Q15. How did balloons fascinate the child? Was he able to buy any? Why/Why not?

Ans: The sight of many coloured balloons flying in the air from the balloon sellers pole blew the child over and his heart was filled with an overwhelming desire to possess all those balloons. But alas, just like the burfi and the flowers, he could not dare to ask his parents to buy him balloons for fear of getting a ‘no’ from them on the pretext that he was too old to play with balloons.

 Q16. How did the sight of a snake-charmer leave the child spell-bound?

Ans: As the child walked away from the balloon-seller, his eyes caught the sight of a snake-charmer playing on a flute to a snake. He was fascinated by the swinging hood of the snake swinging gracefully like the neck of a swan. The music of the flute equally mesmerised both the snake and the boy.
Q17. Why didn’t the child ask his parents to show him the snake-charmer’s act even though he wanted to?

Ans: The child knew that in the opinion of his parents, the snake charmer’s music was coarse. So, he did not see any point in asking for something which he knew would be denied.

Q18. In the fair, the child wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without waiting for an answer?                                                                                                                                    (Textual)

Ans: The boy wants toys, sweetmeat (burfi), a garland and balloons. He also wants to hear the snake charmer’s music and take a ride on the roundabout. However, he moves on without waiting for an answer because he knows that his parents will refuse by offering some reason or the other.
Q19. What did the child find difficult to resist? What did he do?

Ans: The child saw a roundabout which carried men, women and children in a whirling motion and they shrieked excitedly. He could not resist this tempting ride and made a bold request to his parents to get him on that roundabout.

Q20. What plea did the child finally make to his parents? Was his plea heard?

Ans: The child finally pleaded with his parents to let him go on a ride on the roundabout. Sadly, this plea was not heard because his parents weren’t standing behind him at that time. He had been separated from them and hence they could not hear him.
Q21. The fair lost all its charm and attraction for the child. When did this happen?
 How was the child separated from his parents?

Ans: Tempted by the sight of a sweetmeat seller, a balloon-seller, a flower-seller, a snake-charmer and finally the roundabout in motion, the child failed to keep pace with his parents and got separated. This separation filled him with panic and he lost interest in the fair.
 Q22. How did the child realise that his parents were not with him? What was his immediate reaction?

Ans: On not getting any reply to his bold request for a ride on a roundabout, the child turned back and noticed that his parents were not there. He realised at this moment that he had got lost. Filled with fear and panic, he ran wailing in all directions calling aloud for his parents.

Q23. How did the child react when there was no sign of his parents?
What was the first reaction of the child when he realised that he had lost his parents?

Ans: On realising that he had lost his parents, the child got confused. He panicked when he could not spot his parents in the large crowd of people around him. He ran all over looking for them. Feeling lonely and afraid, he cried inconsolably.

Q24. What happened when the lost child reached the temple door?
Ans: On reaching the temple door, the lost child got caught between the legs of the crowd that was jostling with each other to get into the shrine. The child got knocked down and would have got trampled if the ‘kind man’ had not rescued him after hearing his loud cry.

Q25. Who rescued the lost child? What did he offer to buy?
Ans: A kind man in the shrine heard the child’s cry and lifted him in his arms. To pacify the wailing child, he offered to buy all those things that he had asked for from his parents – horse ride, a multi-coloured balloon, garland, snake-charmers show, and a sweetmeat.

 Q26. Why did the man offer to buy things for the child?
Ans: The child kept weeping inconsolably in the arms of the man who had rescued him from getting trampled at the shrine. The man offered to buy him things in order to pacify the child, to make him feel secure and to ask him about his parents and home.

Q27. Why did the lost child refuse to take his favourite things in the fair after losing his parents?
 Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier? (Textual)

 Ans: The child refused to take his favourite things in the fair after losing his parents because now he was overwhelmed with fear and panic. His only thought was of his parents and he had lost interest in everything else including all the things that he wanted to have earlier.

Q28. What was the child’s response to the many offers made by the man?

Ans: The child simply wailed inconsolably. In between his sobs, he expressed his desire to be with his mother and father. He refused to even glance at the various things offered by the man in an attempt to quieten him.

Q29. What kind of a person was the man who rescued the child?
 Ans: The man who rescued the child was a kind-hearted person. He was a blessing in disguise for the lost child. If he had not volunteered to help, the helpless little one might have ended up getting trampled over and killed.

Q30. What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents?                   (Textual)

Ans: The lost child was fortunate enough to have been picked up by a kind and affectionate soul. This man must have gone out of his way to trace the lost child’s mother and father and succeeded in reuniting him with his parents.

Q 31. What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind? (NCERT)

Ans. On his way to the fair, the child sees toys, balloons of different colours, a garland of gulmohur, a swing and a snake-charmer playing the flute. He gets attracted to all these things. So, he lags behind.

Q32. Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier? (NCERT)

Ans. The lost child loses interest in the things he had wanted earlier because he got lost in the fair. He is panic-stricken for being lost. Now he first wants his parents. He is afraid and feels unsafe.

Q33. How can you say that the child was an obedient boy?
Ans. The child was fascinated by the fair. He was attracted towards many things in the fair but he did not insist his parents buy any of them. He followed his parents in the fair like an obedient child. Though he longed for the things yet he did not express his desire before his parents because he knew that his parents would not allow him to get them.

Q34. Where did the child’s parents stop and why?
 Ans. While going to the fair, the child’s parents stopped under the shade of a grove. They stopped there to rest for a while.

Q35. How did the father try to distract the child’s mind from the toy-seller?
 Ans. In the fair, the child saw a thy-seller. He told his parents that he wanted to buy some toys. But his father was very strict and he looked at him with anger. As the child was familiar with his father’s strict ways, he did not force his father for buying toys.

Q36. What was the child watching when he got lost?
Ans. The child was watching a roundabout in the fair. Men, women and children were carried away in a whirling motion. They shrieked and cried with dizzy laughter. He also wanted to ride on the roundabout.

Q37. Why did the lost child go towards the temple? What happened there?
Ans. The lost child went towards the temple where many people were gathering. He ran towards the entrance of the temple.  The crowd was becoming thicker. People jostled each other. He struggled to push his way but was knocked down. He might ha trampled if he had not shouted at his highest pitch.

 Q38. What was his father’s reaction to the child’s desire to have something?
Ans. The child was very happy at the fair. He wanted to have a toy. His father perhaps could not afford it. He looked at him rudely and with anger. The child did not and kept on moving.
Q39. Why did the parents forbid the child from listening to the snake charmer’s music?
 Ans. They refused the flute’s music to the child because they considered it coarse music. The child suppressed his feelings and kept on moving.

Q40. How did the child react to seeing the sweet-seller?
Ans. In the fair, some man was selling sweets. He was selling Gulab-Jamun, Rasogulla and Burfi as well as Jalebi. A good number of other sweets were also displayed in the shop. When the child saw these sweets his mouth started watering. The child’s favourite was Burfi so he told his parents that he wanted Burfi.

Q41. Where did the lost child meet a kind-hearted person in the fair?
Ans. He met the kind-hearted person near the shrine. The man saw the child in the crowd. He might have been trampled underfoot. His shrieks invited the attention of the kind man who lifted him.

Q42. How did the child react in front of the Juggler?
 Ans. The Juggler was playing the flute to a snake. The child was attracted by the music and went towards him. He knew that his parents would not like he’s standing there. So he moved on.

Q43. Who rescued the lost child? What did he offer to buy him?
 Ans. At the time the lost child was caught in the crowd. He shouted at his highest volume. A man in the crowd saw the child crying. He lifted him up and tried to soothe him. He took him near the roundabout. He also offered to buy him flowers, balloons and sweets. But the child had lost interest in them.

Q44. The kind-hearted stranger tried his best to calm down the lost child but failed. Why did the child remain inconsolable?

 Ans. The stranger who noticed the lost child was a kind-hearted man. He had the heart that could feel the agony of a lost child. He lifted him up in his arms. He tried to distract his attention by offering a ride on the roundabout and making him hear the music of the flute. He offered him to buy sweets and balloons to soothe him. He failed in his attempt because the lost child had nothing in his mind except his parents.

 Q45. Why did the child not stay for long near the snake charmer?
Ans. In the fair, the child noticed a snake charmer. He was playing the flute in front of the snake. The music of flute greatly influenced the child. But he did not stay for long near the snake charmer because he knew that his parents would not allow him to hear the music as it was coarse music for his parents.



Q.1. Write a note on the theme of the story ‘The Lost Child’.
 Ans. The story The Lost Child’ is based on child psychology. A child is curious by nature. He is attracted by beautiful things. He wishes to possess everything which looks attractive. However, he takes interest in these things only when he is in the company of his parents. But when he is lost, these things lose their charm for him. In this story, a child goes to a fair with his parents. He is attracted by different things. He wishes to buy balloons, sweets and garlands of gulmohur. He wishes to enjoy a ride in the roundabout. But suddenly he finds that his parents are missing. Now he starts weeping. A kind man tries to console him. He offers to buy him a number of things. But the child goes on weeping. He wants only his parents.

Q.2. Give a description of the festival of spring.
 Ans. The festival of spring was a gay occasion. It was held in a village. A number of people were going to the fair. They were wearing new clothes. Sonic of them were on foot. Others were in bullock carts and on horses. The fair was full of joy. A little boy was also going to the fair along with his parents. He was very happy. There were several shops selling toys, sweets, balloons. etc. At a shop, garlands of gulmohur Bowers were also being sold. The child wanted to buy balloons, sweets and other things. But his parents rejected his demands. There were jugglers also. Near the temple, the crowd was very thick. Some people were enjoying the ride in a roundabout. The child also wanted to have a ride in it. But he lost interest when he found his parents missing.

Q3. What were the things that the boy wanted to possess when he was with his parents?
 Ans. The child went to a village fair with his parents. He saw several stalls of sweets and toys. At first. he liked a beautiful toy. He asked his parents to buy him that toy. But his father called him away from that shop. Then he tried to catch a butterfly. But he did not succeed. After that, he saw a sweets-seller. He wanted to have some burfi. But his father rejected his demand. Then he saw someone selling garlands of gulmohur flowers. The child wanted to buy a garland. But this demand was also rejected. After that, he wanted to buy a
balloon. His father did not buy it for him. Then the child saw a juggler. He wanted to stop and hear the music of his flute. But he feared his father. So he went on. In the end, he wanted to have a ride in a roundabout. But his parents were nowhere to be seen.

 Q.4. Describe the condition of the child after he had lost his parents at the fair.
Describe the changes that occurred in the child in the spring festival.
Ans. The child went to the fair along with his parents. He was very happy. He was attracted by the colourful and beautiful things. He saw balloons, flower garlands, toys and sweets. He saw a juggler showing tricks. He also saw a roundabout. But he was sad because his parents rejected all his demands. They did not purchase anything for him. He could not enjoy the juggler’s tricks. Then he wanted to have a ride on the roundabout Ile turned to ask his parents. But he found them missing. He was separated from them. Now a sudden change came in the child. He started crying for his parents. A kind man tried to console him. But the child lost interest in everything. He wanted to join his parents again. He cried, “I want my mother. I want my father!”

Q5. How did the festival of spring bring out the latent joy in human nature?
Ans: The festival of spring marks the onset of sunshine after a long spell of cold winter. Everything in nature comes back to life. The bustling insects, worms, trees and fields fill the human heart with joy. The festival of spring, as described in the lesson “The Lost Child”, brings together people from different parts and they express their happiness by thronging the fair in large numbers. They dress up brightly and the colour yellow dominates their attire. Sweets, flowers, swings, games etc. mark this day. People take a break from their daily routine and enjoy the festival with their loved ones. They also remember to express gratitude to God by visiting the shrine. Thus, the latent joy in human nature gets expressed in spring.

Q6. The man who had rescued the child was compassionate and kind. Discuss.
What values of humanity are reflected through the character of the kind man?
Ans: The man who had rescued the child had a heart full of goodness. He did not ignore the painful shrieks of the boy calling for his parents. Risking his own safety, he bent down in the crowd to rescue the child from getting trampled. He forgot his own purpose of visiting the shrine did his best to comfort and soothe the scared boy. He talked to him very kindly and inquired about his parents. When he did not get any response from the child, he did not lose patience. Instead, he tried to make him feel at ease b offering him the little things that children love. The man sincerely tried to pacify the child so that he could help him to find his parents. His character thus reflects the human values of kindness, compassion, care and love.

Q7.When does the child realise that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity been described?                                                                                                                                                              (Textual)
Ans: The child was attracted by many things on his way to the fair. Being drawn towards them, he often lagged behind but he would try to catch up with his parents whenever they would call out to him. However, things took a sad turn when he got so engrossed by the sweetmeat-seller, balloon-seller, garlands, and the snake charmer’s flute that he kept moving without waiting for his parent’s reply. Finally, he could not resist the roundabout and turned back for his parents’ response to his plea for a ride. At this point, he realised that he had lost his way since his parents were nowhere to be found. A deep cry of anxiety and insecurity choked his throat. Tears rolled down from his eyes. His flushed face convulsed with fear. Panic-stricken, he ran in all directions. Not knowing where to go and what to do, he cried for his mother and father.

 Q8. The child was denied everything by his parents. Why then did his love for them not lessen in any way?
Ans: The child had come to the fair with his parents to have fun and to enjoy the festive spirit like others. Although he wanted to have many things at the fair, he knew that he could not have them because his parents disliked those things. Although he was denied everything that he asked for, his love for them did not lessen. He enjoyed the natural beauty and satisfied himself by simply looking at the things he liked but could not have. He accompanied them obediently and did not throw any tantrums or compel them in any way to buy him sweets, garlands, balloons etc. His deep love for them can be seen when he gets separated from them. He misses them terribly and feels lonely. At that time his only concern is to get them back.

Q9. Compare the child’s behaviour before and after he lost his parents.
Ans: Before losing his parents, the child is in a happy, cheerful and playful mood. He gets attracted to many things on the way but follows his parents’ call whenever they ask him to. He is amazed by the beauty of nature and enjoys it in his innocent way. He feels secure in the presence of his parents and so he does not even wait for their response when he demands things from them. However, on getting separated, he is filled with fear and panic. He cries inconsolably and gets lost in a large crowd of people all around. He refuses to accept even those things that he had wanted a little while ago. Everything else loses value in his eyes in the absence of his parents. His laughter and happiness are replaced by insecurity and fear.
Q10. “A child longs for toys, sweets and other things but not at the cost of his parents.” Comment.

Ans. When the child realised that he had been separated from his parents, he started crying. Tears rolled down his cheeks. His face was full of fear. He was panicked and ran here and there. His yellow turban got untied. His clothes became muddy. He ran towards the shrine in search of his parents. There was a thick crowd. Before he could be trampled under their feet, a kind-hearted person picked him up in his arms. He asked him how he got there and where his parents were. The child wept more bitterly and cried for his parents.

 Q11. When children are taken to a fair, they ask their parents to buy them many things. Should their parents do so? Explain with reference to the lesson The Lost Child’.

Ans. Children are the beauty of our house. Without them the picture of our house is incomplete. They are the future of our house. While rearing them, parents have to take every care. There is no limit to the demands of children. Good parents always try to fulfil them as far as possible. Children like to visit fairs very much. They want to enjoy things and go on a roundabout. When parents take their children to the fair, they have to take every care of them, otherwise, their children may get lost in the fair. If children are attracted by any snake charmer or some beautiful scenes in the fair, they should not allow their children to drift away. Instead, they should always hold the hands of children tightly in the fair. Moreover, children should be allowed to eat only those things in the fair which may not create problems for their health. While in the fair, children should be given every opportunity to enjoy it.

Q12. When the child got lost in the fair a stranger helped him and tried to solve his problem. What do you feel about the behaviour of the stranger?
 Ans. The stranger was certainly a kind-hearted man. He saved the child from being trampled under the feet. He loved children very much. He lifted the lost child in his lap and offered him all those things which the child desired to have earlier. He also offered the child to go on the roundabout. Obviously, such persons are rare and their responsibility gets increased in the fair. The stranger showed the love of parents in his behaviour towards the lost child. He tried to assure the child that he should not be afraid of anything in the fair. He will find the parents and hand over the lost child to him. The stranger also knew that the lost child could not live with his parents because he was weeping bitterly for his parents. Still, he tried to make the lost child happy. With his kind behaviour, the stranger proved that everybody has immense love for children.

Q13. You have gone to a fair. Your parents refuse to buy certain things for you. How will you react?
Ans. I will not feel very bad. I will leave it to my parents what to buy and what not to buy. My parents know what is best for me. They know my likes and dislikes.
 They have to take into consideration so many things before spending their money. They have to meet so many expenses of the household. They have to see that no harm comes to me. So they are the best to judge what is good for me. So they should decide to buy the things needed by me.

Q14. Had you been in place of the lost child, what would you have done to find your parents in the fair?
Ans. Initially, I will be under great fear and panic. But I will try to find my parents with the help of others. I will try to find a policeman and ask him to give me some advice. He will take me to the control room so that an announcement can be made in loudspeakers. I will give my address and the phone number of my parents so that they can be located.

Q15. You are taken to a fair by your parents. How will you behave with your parents? Explain with reference to the lesson ‘The Lost Child’.
 Ans. When our parents take us to a fair, we should always try to follow their instructions. We should walk along with them so that we may not get lost in the fair. Besides, we must keep the mobile number and address of our house in the pocket. If we are lost in the fair, we should not eat things or sweets offered by other people because they might be kidnappers and criminals. If we are lost in the fair, we should take help from the police. Our parents have immense love for us. In the fair, we should not pressurise our parents to buy unnecessary things. Our act may humiliate our parents. It is our duty to keep them happy. We should not become a burden on our parents. We should always keep in mind the hard work they do for us.

Q16. What were the things the child wanted to have in the fair when he was with his parents?
Ans. The child went to the fair along with his parents. He was very happy. In the fair, he saw several stalls of sweets and toys. He saw some beautiful toys and asked his parents to buy them. But his parents tried to distract the child from the shop. Then, he saw a sweet-seller. He was selling Rasogulla, Gulab-Jamun, Burfi, etc. The child liked Burfi very much and wanted to buy some. Again his parents returned his demand and went ahead. Then the child saw some men selling garlands of gulmohur flowers. He wanted to buy some garland but his demand was rejected by his parents again. He also saw some men selling colourful balloons and wanted to buy some. Again his parents did not show interest in his demands and rejected it. Moreover, the child wanted to hear music played on the flute by the snake charmer, but he was not allowed to stay long near the snake charmer. His desire to go to the roundabout was also rejected.


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