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Friday, June 14, 2019

The Bond Of LOve Extra Important Questions

The Bond Of LOve Class 9 Extra Important Questions

The Bond Of LOve Extra Important Questions


Two years ago, the author and his friend were passing through a field of sugarcane near Mysore. People used to shoot wild poets in their fields. Suddenly one of the trees came out. A fellow writer shot him on. They fell dead and they came to the fallen animal. They saw the baby of Rek going on the back of his mother. The child was beating the merciless shrieks. The writer tried to catch him. But the baby in the rear went away to the farm. The author and his companions ran behind him. Finally, they succeeded in catching him. The children of Rekha tried to liberate themselves. He tried to hit the writer with his long, folded claws 1 They put the child in a bag and brought him to Bangalore. The author presented this young creature to his wife. He was very happy. He named it Bruno.

       The writer's quote brought Bruno lovingly and carefully. He cared for the baby of the reckon as if he was his own child. Initially, Bruno was taught to drink milk with a bottle. In a few days, he started eating normally. He used to eat everything. She used to eat porridge made of everything. She used to eat porridge made of everything. He eats vegetables, fruits, walnuts, meat, curry and rice

Was there. She did not care about Curry's spices and chillies. He used to eat bread, eggs, chocolate, desserts, firni, ice cream etc. As far as drinking is concerned, he drink milk, tea, coffee, lemon-water, soda water, beer and other things. The children of the tenants living in that bungalow got sir dissolves. He used to spend time playing himself in the kitchen and sleeping in the bedroom of the author and his wife. Because of love and affection shown by the wife of the wife, she became very much loved by her.

One day there was an accident with Bruno. There were mice in the author's library. To kill them, he had put barium carbonate in the library. It was poison. Bruno came to the library and ate some poison. It became paralyzed But he slowly dragged himself to the writer's wife. He was feeling very weak, he was breathing heavily and was vomiting, the author took him to the doctor immediately. The doctor gave 10 cc pesticides as vaccine.

But there was no change in his condition. Then 10cc medicines were given again. This improved his condition. Bruno got up and he had a good meal. At another time this small rehears consumed a very old engine oil. But fortunately it has no effect on it.

With the passage of time, Bruno's size became even bigger. It became equal to Alcheseon dogs and grew bigger than them. But it was as naughty as before. He had a lot of love with the people around him. But he was especially attached to the writer's wife. He loved her. He changed the name of Bruno to Bawa, which means "little boy" in Hindustani. Rekha could show some feat When he was told, "Baba shoot", he used to bout with whatever he used to have. When he gave a stick and said, "Hold a baby gun", he used to target him with a stick. He hid a piece of wood in his pallet bed. When someone said to him, "Dad, baby?" So he immediately took out the wood and swung it. But due to the children of the tenant, the brune had to be tied with chains in most of the time.

 With the passage of time, Bruno grew so big that he could not be kept at home. The author, his friends, and his son advised him that Baba would be presented to the zoo at Mysore. After a few weeks of such advice, he finally agreed. A letter was written to the manager of the zoo. He agreed to pick up the tail. Baba was sent to a pigeon and sent to Mysore. But the writer's wife became very sad. He cried and he refused to eat for a few days. He wrote many letters to the zoo manager In his letters, he asked about Baba's condition. Zoo

Baba was in a similar situation. He was beyond the consolation. He also did not eat food in some days of rest. He was good but thinner and depressed.

The writer's wife got very depressed after being separated from her. The author stopped him from visiting Mysore for three months. Finally, he took my wife to Baba to Mysore. The author and his friends had estimated that Rai would not recognize him after three months but as soon as Baba saw him, he recognized him. She yelled happily. She fled and came to him and cuddled him. She happily stood on her head. The cage did not stop for the next three hours. He gave him tea, lamonaids, cakes, ice cream and other things. In the end, the time of separation took place and it had to come from there. The author's wife cried. He felt that he could not live without him. He requested the zoo superintendent to take Baba back. He was a kind person. He agreed and Baba was brought to the writer's house again.

An island was built for Baba at home. It was twenty feet tall and fifteen feet wide. It was surrounded by six feet wide and seven feet deep ditch. A wooden box was kept for Baba's sleep at night. To keep it warm, the pallet was placed inside it. Baba was very happy in his new home. The author's wife spent hours there. This is the story of the love of man and animal. It shows that animals have a sense of love, affection and loyalty.

Q1.What was riding on the mother’s back?

Ans: A bear cub was riding on its mother’s back.

Q2.  What did the little creature do?

Ans: The little creature ran round its mother and made pitiful noises.

Q3.  What name was given to the bear cub?

Ans: The cub was named Bruno.

Q4. What did the bear cub do when the writer grabbed it?

Ans: Ile snapped and tried to scratch him.

Q5. What meat did he especially like?

Ans: He especially liked pork.

Q6. What did he start doing in a few days?

Ans: He started eating everything in a few days.

Q7. What did Bruno soon take to?

Ans: Soon he took to drinking milk with a bottle.

Q8. Did Bruno take alcoholic drinks also?

Ans: Yes, he took alcoholic drinks too.

Q9.  Why had Bruno to be kept chained?

Ans:  He had to be kept chained because of the tenant’s children.

Q10.  What was Bruno’s ‘gun’?

Ans: A stick was Bruno’s ‘gun’.

Q11. Whom did Bruno love above all?

Ans: He loved the author’s wife above all.

Q12.  Whom had Bruno equalled in size?

Ans: Bruno had equalled Alsatians in size.

Q13. How long did the author’s wife remain with Baba?

Ans:  She remained with Baba for three hours.

Q14. What did the author’s wife and Baba do when the time for separation came?

Ans: Both of them wept bitterly.

Q15. What had the friends conjectured?

Ans: Friends had conjectured that Baba would not recognise the author’s wife.

Q16.What did Baba do on recognising the author’s wife?

Ans: He howled with happiness.

Q17. Who was Bruno?
Ans. Bruno was the narrator wife’s pet sloth bear.
Q18. Where did the narrator find the  cub?
Ans. The narrator found the cub when he was passing through  Mysore near the sugarcane fields 
Q19. Who did the narrator give the bear cub to?
Ans. The narrator gifted the bear cub to his wife.
Q20. How was Bruno brought up?
Ans. Bruno was brought up on potatoes, fruits,buttermilk and rice. 
Q21. With whom did the bear become very closed to?
Ans. With the narrator’s two Alsatian dogs.
Q22. Why did the narrator keep barium carbonate poison in  his home?
Ans. To kill rats and mice.
Q23. How did the poison effect the Bruno?
 Ans. Bruno suffered a paralysis attack ,and he was unable to stand or walk properly.
Q24. What and had given the new name to Bruno?
Ans. Author's wife give new name to Bruno as "Baba"
Q25. Where did the narrator send ‘Baba’ to?
Ans. The narrator sent ‘Baba’ to the zoo in Mysore.
Q26. What request did the author’s wife make to the superintendent to the zoo?
Ans. Author's wife requested the superintendent of the zoo to return ‘Bruno’ to her.

Important Long Questions

Q.1. The company of an animal can give pleasure to a human being? Write some examples from this story.
Ans. Yes, it can give happiness and pleasure to a human being. The bond of love between man and animal is better than the bond between man with man. Human beings are so selfish and their love is pure and selfless. On the other circumstances an animal’s love is pure. Like human beings, animals also need love and react and respond to that love. In the story, the narator’s wife loves a pet named 'Bruno' a bear. He also responds to that love. She plays with him, fondles and loves him. When the bear is sent to the zoo, she becomes very sad. and , Bruno also does not like his separation from her.He refuses to take food in the zoo. When she went to meet Bruno at the zoo, he screams with pleasure. Lastly she brings him back from the zoo. Therefore , she finds that the company of an animal gives undiluted pleasure to a human being..

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